1/2 way to my goal, now I have an injury

btmixon Posts: 55 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I need some advice...... I have been doing very good and have dropped 25 lbs in 2 months. I am eating right and exercising regularly. Today I went tothe doctor about a pain in my heel. Turns out I have a heel spur and tenonitis in my heel. The doctor stuck me in an air cast boot for 4-6 weeks.....4-6 WEEKS?!?!?!:mad: Are you f'in kidding me. I can not walk, run, bike.... He told me I can swim using my upper body only (I am not a strong swimmer) and weight train using my upper body. If I do not follow his instructions, I could end up needing a surgury that will take 6 month to a year to full recover from (and I think 4-6 weeks is bad). I have a heavy bag that gives me a good cardio workout. Does anyone have any suggestions on ither things I can do to get a cardio workout in without using my lower body? Please help...... Thank you.


  • khodges15
    khodges15 Posts: 114
    pilates. awesome for the mind and body and you don't have to be on your feet! :)
  • moranimal
    moranimal Posts: 18
    When I broke my leg, the doctor suggested a hand bike. My gym didn't have one so it wasn't an option, but maybe yours does.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Follow the instructions! Risking an injury vs getting some calories burned? No contest imo.

    Eat especially well these 6-8 weeks. If you have a gym membership, really focus your spare time on your upper body lifting. If you don't have a gym, do some knee pushups or canned food lifts at home.

    Most importantly, don't risk hurting your heel worse. Surgery is no joke, and you have the choice to avoid it. Please take care of yourself.
  • btmixon
    btmixon Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you all for you input and advice.....
  • xboomerx
    xboomerx Posts: 29 Member
    Ab work
    Go all out on the bag for 60 seconds at a time with a 30 second rest in between. Kinda like a heavy bag version of HIIT.
  • Rowing machine or circuit weight training--move quickly from one upper body exercise to the next.

    If you are open to learning to swim better I would recommend the Total Immersion video program. I literally taught myself a passable crawl stroke to be able to do triathlons from doing the drills in the video. You can find it on amazon. There are also coaches that teach this and other programs. Some even video your stroke underwater so they can help you see what you are doing that is inefficient.

    Who knows, you might turn over a new leaf! Good luck.
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