I am not against AAS and I believe that they play a huge role in all professional sports (not just bodybuilding). They do cause health complications, but if used correctly they are not going to kill you. Saying this, he should not be using them unless he is going to become a professional. YouTube is one the best ways to…
Do not increase calories by 100-200 a day. You will put on fat very quickly. Rather aim to increase BMR to 3000 SLOWLY over 6 months to a year. For example increasing carbs by 10g and fat 5g every wk. You will manage to keep bf% low whilst putting on lean muscle. Dr. Layne Norton has a great video on this. YouTube…
Cheers for the advice guys. So many bros on this forum, it's hard to find someone who knows their chit
High carb drinks, juice/Gatorade/ occasional soft drink.
What I do when on relatively low cals. Eat as little as possible during the day (just get protein in). And "binge" at night at home, whilst hitting my macros and getting shredded;) I'm still staying at my goal calories, I just trick my mind by being busy during the day.
^ have you reverse dieted b4 pls share expriences brah
1. Should definitely be lifting, got to keep muscles active lol. 2. Keep protein high between 0.8 - 1 g per pound of BW 3. Adjust macros/cals so you consistently loose 0.5 - 2 lbs a wk
Yeah I agree ^. Just got to train hard and eat well. Can't spot reduce fat unfortunately