Reverse dieting & Increasing BMR after long cut!

Has anybody used reverse dieting after a long cut to slowly increase BMR after dieting for a while?
Currently on ~2000 kcals and by the end of my cut I'm thinking I will be on 1500 or so at 8% bf @ ~75kg
I'm not 100% on what to do after I reach my goals, was planning on slowly increasing carbs/fat every wk
until I can increase my BMR to 3000kcal+ (without getting too fat!). Just not sure if this is the correct way.

Any advice would be appreciated :)


  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    Seems like it is a sensible way to go.
  • mrPopoBrah
    mrPopoBrah Posts: 10
    ^ have you reverse dieted b4 pls share expriences brah
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    I personally have not but I know a couple who have.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    You will hear about people increasing 50 calories weekly some might go up to 100. I have also seen instances where guys will do 250 (for me that's to high). I do have 1 friend on here who did 30 calorie increments, 5g carbs and 1g fat which he had done several times before and was very pleased with that approach.

    I was down to around 1800 calories by the end of the summer and decided to go with 100 calories. It was just over 22 protein and 1 gram of fat added in weekly. For the first 3 weeks I lost weight and got slightly leaner, then I hit my end of cut weight in week 5. I sat at that level for 2 weeks and then I continued to raise 100 calories each week for the next 2 weeks. I was not in a rush so i took my time.

    At the end of this upcoming summer I'm actually going to increase in calories in increments of 15g carbs and 1g fat but I won't be sitting at any intake level and I will also be running a smaller surplus than I did on my last bulk.

    You have to do what works for you. I would say starting off slower would give you a better idea of how your progress will go then you can adjust upward as opposed to going to high from the start and having to taper back.

    I was hoping you would pop on ;)
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    I reversed dieted for roughly 7 months and was increasing my carbs 5g-10g per week. Started at 100g per day and worked up to 530g per day. It's a long slow process, but you want to build that metabolic capacity as much as you can without gaining a lot of weight. Trust me, it wills great to be able to cut and 400-350g of carbs per day!
  • mrPopoBrah
    mrPopoBrah Posts: 10
    Cheers for the advice guys. So many bros on this forum, it's hard to find someone who knows their chit
  • kinmoratree
    kinmoratree Posts: 125 Member
    This is what I plan on doing. I'll be starting my reverse diet after the Fourth of July. I am not nearly in as good of shape as you, but I think this is a sensible way to get back up to maintenance calories. I plan on increasing my calories by 100 a day and holding there for three weeks before moving up another 100 calories. I'm hoping to be at maintenance by September. I'd like to maintain for a year and work on getting stronger before reassessing and deciding if I need to do another cut.

    I probably rely on YouTube videos too much, but Omar Isuf is one of my favorites and he seems to have healthy, balanced advice on diet and even has some free calculators that you can download for transitioning to maintenance calories and stuff. You should check him out and see what you think.