Teen son interested in steroids

My teenage son has mentioned steroids to me several times. Says his friends know about "safe" ways to use them short-term and get long-term results, that lots of kids use them, etc etc.

My son is at a healthy weight and active and has a somewhat healthy diet (for a teenager).

Obviously I do not want him to use steroids for any reason.

But, rather than just wagging my finger at him and forbidding it (very tempting!), I'd like to offer him some resources about health and fitness in general.

So, can anyone recommend health and fitness sites appropriate for teenage boys?


  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    Being a teenager myself please to do not let him do steriods. Tell him that there are better safer ways to build muscle and there is nothing earned when using steriods. If you cant you can have him talk to me about it I would love to help him out. I will message you for more details
  • mrPopoBrah
    I am not against AAS and I believe that they play a huge role in all professional sports (not just bodybuilding). They do cause health complications, but if used correctly they are not going to kill you. Saying this, he should not be using them unless he is going to become a professional.

    YouTube is one the best ways to find information on natural fitness/bodybuilding. I recommend channels such as Physiques of Greatness, flexforall2, Christian Guzman, Nick Wright and Twinmuscleworkout.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    It is great that he is interested in lifting, but there are a number of reasons not to start at his age - given that his body is still growing and use of anabolics at his age can severely alter the natural production of testosterone.

    There is a definite appeal to a lot of guys to get on the gear young, but it is mostly about building a nice physique and 'getting the girls'. I'd suggest sitting down with him and talking through why he really wants to do this - how long has he been lifting for and what he wants to achieve.

    He is at the best point of his life right now (hormonally speaking) to develop his body, he needs to put in the work before even thinking about enhacements.

    I would really suggest having a talk with him about it, and if it is within your means, perhaps even offer to set him up with a trainer for a while to help him maximise his natural potential. This might at the very least stall him for a while...

    I believe anabolics can be used with 'relative' safety as an adult, but are still high risk and I would never suggest anyone younger than mid 20's with years of training behind them even think about it. Learn how to train, commit to it for the long term, build a foundation of strength and knowledge (training and nutrition), then make an educated decision about whether (and for what reasons) it is for him.
  • SheGlows
    SheGlows Posts: 520 Member
    Pretty much what they said^^^

    Also I'd like to stress the point that steroids won't magically give him muscles. They won't make him into some stud muffin with bulging biceps and an eight pack. Even with the use of steroids, you have to work your *kitten* off to put on quality size. You don't look like Kai Greene, Phil Heath, Jay Cutler, etc. just because you add a little juice and sit on the couch all day.
  • steveyinasia
    steveyinasia Posts: 121 Member
    Pretty much what they said^^^

    Also I'd like to stress the point that steroids won't magically give him muscles. They won't make him into some stud muffin with bulging biceps and an eight pack. Even with the use of steroids, you have to work your *kitten* off to put on quality size. You don't look like Kai Greene, Phil Heath, Jay Cutler, etc. just because you add a little juice and sit on the couch all day.

    All that they said, and particuarly about the references to Jay Cutler et all....they have very serious workout and nutrition routines.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    My teenage son has mentioned steroids to me several times. Says his friends know about "safe" ways to use them short-term and get long-term results, that lots of kids use them, etc etc.

    My son is at a healthy weight and active and has a somewhat healthy diet (for a teenager).

    Obviously I do not want him to use steroids for any reason.

    But, rather than just wagging my finger at him and forbidding it (very tempting!), I'd like to offer him some resources about health and fitness in general.

    So, can anyone recommend health and fitness sites appropriate for teenage boys?


    I'd say though, if he wants to use gear, he should wait until he's at least done growing. 20, 21, 22. I know more than a few folks on it, and aside from some T related side effects, they're generally fine. There's a long history of using steroids in the US for medical and for recreational purposes. It's generally safe.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Pretty much what they said^^^

    Also I'd like to stress the point that steroids won't magically give him muscles. They won't make him into some stud muffin with bulging biceps and an eight pack. Even with the use of steroids, you have to work your *kitten* off to put on quality size. You don't look like Kai Greene, Phil Heath, Jay Cutler, etc. just because you add a little juice and sit on the couch all day.

    Right. You work your *kitten* off, and then you can look like Kai Greene, or Hugh Jackman.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    My teenage son has mentioned steroids to me several times. Says his friends know about "safe" ways to use them short-term and get long-term results, that lots of kids use them, etc etc.

    My son is at a healthy weight and active and has a somewhat healthy diet (for a teenager).

    Obviously I do not want him to use steroids for any reason.

    But, rather than just wagging my finger at him and forbidding it (very tempting!), I'd like to offer him some resources about health and fitness in general.

    So, can anyone recommend health and fitness sites appropriate for teenage boys?


    I'd say though, if he wants to use gear, he should wait until he's at least done growing. 20, 21, 22. I know more than a few folks on it, and aside from some T related side effects, they're generally fine. There's a long history of using steroids in the US for medical and for recreational purposes. It's generally safe.

    I agree. I think it's safe if used correctly. The issue is the desire to increase the use to get gains faster. Steroids do reduce your recovery time to nill. You still have to do the work but it does help with recovery like you wouldn't believe. Moderation in everything. Even in this venture.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    But, rather than just wagging my finger at him and forbidding it (very tempting!), I'd like to offer him some resources about health and fitness in general.

    Smart. The more knowledge he gets on the subject the better. People use these with or without their parents knowing. It's better that you help him steer through this.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    A steroid user talks about steroids. Pretty open and honesty talk about using.

    "Go as far as you can without them"

  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    If he's looking at a full scholarship to start for a D1 team and has potential to go pro in his sport, then the analysis might be a bit different. But as others have said, generally speaking if you're going to get on gear, you should wait until you're out of your teens for a variety of reasons. Ray hit most of them, but I'll add that perhaps one of the greatest reasons to wait is because teenagers are generally idiots, regardless of what they think, and as a general matter shouldn't be making decisions that have life-long health repercussions. Of course, convincing a teenager of that is another matter. If he has a coach or someone else he looks up to, you might have a talk with the coach and have him discuss it with your son.
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    My teenage son has mentioned steroids to me several times. Says his friends know about "safe" ways to use them short-term and get long-term results, that lots of kids use them, etc etc.

    My son is at a healthy weight and active and has a somewhat healthy diet (for a teenager).

    Obviously I do not want him to use steroids for any reason.

    But, rather than just wagging my finger at him and forbidding it (very tempting!), I'd like to offer him some resources about health and fitness in general.

    So, can anyone recommend health and fitness sites appropriate for teenage boys?

    There are no short term methods that give good results nor provide safe results for a teen.

    Tell him to make a post on a steroid message board (professionalmuscle, muscular development, etc). I'm serious. Ask for advice there. A hundred vets will tell him why it's a terrible idea under 20, what the LONG TERM impact is, how in order to get lasting results he has to COMMIT FOR LIFE.

    They will give him a dose of reality. It's the only way.

    You don't hop on a few steroid cycles and stop. The progress will all be lost. You either lose it all or commit for life. A teenager can not and should not make that decision. He needs to wait a few years and really decide for himself.

    A teenager experimenting with a few steroid cycles stands a very good chance of ruining natural test production. Then he has to take steroids for the rest of his life, either administered by a doctor or self administered. that means twice weekly injections. Plus monitoring blood pressure, hormonal balances, etc. It's a huge decision for a teenager to make.

    If he decides lifting is a waste of time 5 years from now...guess what, he still gets to inject twice weekly for another 60 years.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    just twice? I have a couple friends doing that + hgh = 2 injections daily.
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    just twice? I have a couple friends doing that + hgh = 2 injections daily.

    twice is the low end, like using Test E for horomone replacement therapy from a Doc.

    docs don't prescribe GH unless you are one lucky SOB or have aids lol
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    No no no no no!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    He needs to realize that his very UNQUALIFIED friends know nothing. Teach him some critical thinking skills.

    Also, peer pressure is a good one to learn about too.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    At 19, I too was interested. All my bodybuilding buds were huge and getting gains. I had no money, therefore juicing was out of the equation. So I just did it naturally. As time went on, I didn't have a desire to do them anymore and still am a natural today at 50.

    One thing I've noticed with steroid users though.................................many can't quit using them. A little muscle loss and they get right back on them. And since they aren't legal (for a long time now), without a prescription, it's black market and underground circuits that he would have to rely on. And you really don't know what you're getting there.

    He's young. He should bust his butt and get where he wants to without them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    OP here.
    Wow! I obviously know nothing about steroids. I thought they were illegal!

    My son is not going for any kind of athletic scholarship or athletic prowess. He just wants some muscles to show all those pretty girls at school. He's tall and handsome (of course, says his mom) and wants the muscles to finish off the good looks. :wink:

    This is a whole new thing for me as a mom. I don't want him getting all his info from his teenage friends. So, I will be digging around the web looking for reliable info. Any more site/article suggestions welcome! I'll also be taking him in for a scheduled check-up soon and hope he'll ask his doctor for info.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    You know, I don't care what the rest of these people say, but you're a cool mom.

    This isn't a normal subject for parenting like eating your math and drinking your vegetables, so it's pretty awesome you're engaged like that.

    There's a big market out there for these prohormones, and they're basicall a requirement for any sort of athletic or aesthetic competition it seems, except for the straight natural guys. At his age those, his peaches are flushing him with enough T to sex rage a herd of horses, he doesn't need it now. He needs to learn the value of working REALLY EFFING HARD, because even with the prohormones, he'll have to work REALLY EFFING HARD.

    Also, there's the cost aspect. I have a friend spending $750 a month on his regimen right now. I don't know any teens that can do that without resorting to theft, or handies on the corner.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    OP here.
    Wow! I obviously know nothing about steroids. I thought they were illegal!

    My son is not going for any kind of athletic scholarship or athletic prowess. He just wants some muscles to show all those pretty girls at school. He's tall and handsome (of course, says his mom) and wants the muscles to finish off the good looks. :wink:

    This is a whole new thing for me as a mom. I don't want him getting all his info from his teenage friends. So, I will be digging around the web looking for reliable info. Any more site/article suggestions welcome! I'll also be taking him in for a scheduled check-up soon and hope he'll ask his doctor for info.
    If that is the case, just tell him to lift and eat a ton of food. At his age his natural hormones are already at full blast(pun intended :wink.)