Not losing belly fat

Hey all,

I am a 5"3" woman who used to weigh 210 lbs and now I weigh 143 lbs. My legs and arms have toned up a lot because I lift weights as well as cardio, however I cannot seem to get rid of any belly fat. I kid you not, my stomach region looks almost exactly the same as it did when I started at 210. I don't understand what I am doing wrong has anyone else has this problem?


  • mozielovex3
    FYI I definitely hold the most weight in my stomach region.
  • BartO81
    BartO81 Posts: 10 Member
    It is the human body who decides were to lose fat. It may be possible belly fat is the last to lose with you.

    For me, i lose belly fat first, the hips are the last. So just keep going and eventually it will come off. :)
  • mrPopoBrah
    Yeah I agree ^. Just got to train hard and eat well. Can't spot reduce fat unfortunately
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Options've lost 67 pounds and you think you are doing something *wrong*?

    You're obviously doing something right, so just keep doing it...
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    I agree with the others. The only other thing I might add is just that some people have food intolerances that can cause some bloating. You could try going gluten free for a month and see if that does anything or try the anti inflammatory diet but as long as you haven't hit a major plateau, I wouldn't worry too much. There is a good chance you are just apple shaped and will have to get to a fairly low body fat percentage to see a huge difference. It can be done though. Search for apple shapes success stories. Keep up the great work.
  • owenmhartley
    owenmhartley Posts: 220 Member
    It'll come just keep plugging away, That's where the body holds the most fat so it feels as if you're not losing it but you are and you will :) don't give up!!!
  • mozielovex3
    Thanks everyone for your responses and encouragement :smile:
  • mozielovex3
    Thank you I don't know why I never thought about looking up other apple stories! I feel much better now haha
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    When you say you lift mind telling how heavy?
  • mozielovex3
    When you say you lift mind telling how heavy?

    It depends on the exercise, For example when doing arms I do 3 sets and 15 reps at about 20 lbs. That's usually heavy enough for me to feel a burn. I just want to tone up not gain significant muscle mass.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    For a lot of people, that's one of the last places they lose. Be patient. You probably won't see "abs" until you drop to a certain body fat percentage.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Apparently weights and strength exercises burn belly fat - not just ab exercises. So for example, bicep curls burn belly fat.
  • EpsilonGamma
    Yup, Belly usually the last to go. It is due to poor circulation down there. Make sure you are doing lots of core work and when I say core work I don't meant crunches and situps. I mean squats and deadlifts which strengthen your CORE not your stomach.

    Strengthening the core helps to build muscles around that area to help promote circulation around that region. Also, without muscles there, you will never see abs even if you hit under a certain body fat %
  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    I can totally sympathize! I haven't lost nearly as much as you, but have not lost ONE fraction of an inch off my belly. Just going to keep going, it's got to come off eventually. But man does it suck!
  • battybecks
    battybecks Posts: 147 Member
    I'm only 7lbs away from goal, and only now is my belly starting to shrink! It did actually shrink a little bit before, but not much - and now that there's practically no fat left to lose from anywhere else, the body HAS to take it from the stomach. Very annoying, but there ya go :)
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    When you say you lift mind telling how heavy?

    It depends on the exercise, For example when doing arms I do 3 sets and 15 reps at about 20 lbs. That's usually heavy enough for me to feel a burn. I just want to tone up not gain significant muscle mass.
    When you say you lift mind telling how heavy?

    It depends on the exercise, For example when doing arms I do 3 sets and 15 reps at about 20 lbs. That's usually heavy enough for me to feel a burn. I just want to tone up not gain significant muscle mass.

    The casual female heavy lifter won't gain significant muscle mass, especially if continuing to eat on a caloric deficit. It's a very deliberate process that simply starting to lift heavy three times a week cannot accomplish. You could start by reading the stickied thread hopefully that will answer some of your questions. Participating in a strength training program seems more likely to give you the type of results you describe.
  • mozielovex3
    Thanks everyone for the responses! I feel a lot more confident now that it will come off eventually :)