

  • Have a small slice, if you dont youll just end of binging at some point so enjoy a small sliver and add into your calories for the day!!!! Dieting is a time fram, lifestyle change is just knowing when to stop, a half of a normal piece will not sabatosh you!! I ate treats all 60lbs i took off, that way i didnt binge!
  • I think its way to much, u cant eat enough in a day to keep up with what you would burn with two insanity wrkouts, and i think thats alot on the joints, ive done one round..over doing things will catch up with the body...
  • they have this elliptical/ stationary bike at kmart that looks awesome, you could do the elliptical for 20-30 minutes then turn the restistance up on the bike and get a spin video put some tunes on and get another great workout, between the two could prob burn 500 cal's in a hour!!! I want it!
  • LOVE TURBO FIRE!!!!!!! It is definetely the best video out there that is not boring, it has the fire dvds which are cardio and then the HIIT's which right now are the hottest thing out there people are just figuring out they work the best, she alternates them weekly with an easy schedule to follow, I lost about 20lbs with…
  • There is a tilapia with veggies and rice its got a spicy kick to it that is awesome, n the tilapia is huge the meal is barely 400 calories its one of the weight watcher meals!!1
  • Turbo is the absolute best nothing is better and the Insanity is crazy stuff too!
  • You are not helping yourself by not taking a day off, everyone has mentioned that, it gets obsessive at that point when you cant take a day off, not good mentally or physically at all...... :wink:
  • Your working out way to much and not giving your body the calories it truely needs, therefore if your body does'nt think your going to give it what it needs it will store fat for later, and you will gain, you need to be eating at least 1400 calories a day if your working out even 4 times a week. Stop working out everyday…
  • If you have been excercising before this and feel good and not exhausted then go on to week 2, if not then start over with week 1, i have done16 weeks of Turbo, it works!
  • Turbo Fire or turbo jam, is a combinatin of kickboxing and dance, you use your arms for everything, punching threwout the entire dvd's, nothing will ever get them completely perfect if you lose alot of weight but this is def a great way to get your arms in shape they dont rest no matter what the excercise is, she keeps you…
  • No offense but you cant really think that loosing a 1lb overnight is really weight loss, thats just salt, true weight loss happens after consecutive excercise, like when you work out several times a week and then weigh in at the end of the week and loose a pound, thats true weight lose 0.3kg is nothing i would'nt even…
  • It should be logged under circuit training, u should burn between 300-400 depending on how long!