

  • unfortunatly men do lose weight much faster then women! its a sad fact! but aside from that I saw a few previous comments to eat a little more since you may be eating too little for all the exersize...and I have found that, that is totally true! and if you run EVERY DAY and have for this whole month...try taking a day to…
  • Thats fantastic!! Congrats on reaching your first goal!:) Im sure it will be smooth sailing!:)
  • Fish is always a good one and I LOVE crab legs!! as long as you watch what you pair it with some healthy stuff like veggies you will be golden!:) Seafood is good for you! at least that is what Im told!:)
    in seafood Comment by hmr1117 February 2010
  • I have been there and done that and unfortunatly it seems that while it takes 4 weeks to lose 2 lbs sometimes 1 meal can add it right back on...but just stick to it and you will be fine...I think all of us have circumstances at one point or another why they eat out or even just because they want to...and its ok...:) just…
  • dont want to start storing the fat and make your weightloss more difficult...I would def try to add in a few healthy snacks...maybe some carrots or a fruit..! Good luck!:)
  • Yea, I agree with the above can do it occasionally, or work out more, or borrow so to speak. my dad has done calorie counting for almost 10 years now and he said overall it really has to do with the weekly consumption....which is why we never count weightloss per day but per if you add up like you…
  • most likly because it is not healthy to eat less than 1200 calories a day...that is a bottom level...which unfortunatly is why losing the last few lbs is difficult for many because if you dont eat enough your body will go into starvation mode but if you eat too much it will pack on everything...finding the happy medium is…
  • welcome! Stick to it and stay committed and before you know it you will be right where you want to be!:)
  • The above comment is a good estimate but I would think that it would be your 'goal weight' * 11 because you are not going to lose much weight at least not quickly eating 2500 calories a least that is my experience. Determining what is too low for your body also depends on each person...if you are already only…
  • Interesting concept...I believe MFP does actually account for that...if you add up what your resting rate is and figure out the calories you should eat to maintain your weight MFP takes off a decent amount of calories from there and assumes you will exersize however many times you say you will for the week and in the end…
  • I actually do both....I have a 20 min work out in the AM <Jillian Michaels 30day shred> and in the evening I do a Wii Active workout which is usually 45 min long or so...and either way it is working off calories, so I think it just depends on the person what works for them...I like the small but hard workout in the morning…
  • in many cases the serving size on the box specifies if it is measured dry or prepaired...I try to go by that otherwise I always measure before cooking it since cooking it adds loads of water to it...