csmbsailor Member


  • I just had to buy a new one to replace my polar(ugh). Anyhow the strap did not work with tap water, then I re-read the instructions and spit on the chest strap and hello Heart rate! So it might need spit or sweat to start to pick up at least the first few times you wear it.
  • I don't think the MFP default calculator is any good it puts everyone there, there are other sites (that I found through other Older threads for a good calculator. Side note my Hubby is a floor RN and you are by no means sedentary! I am short and round and have a 1300 calorie day and am still currently losing 1 lb a week…
  • OMG thank you for posting this! I make lots of stews and we make our own sausage, but I cant wait to try the new ideas! Blue Cheese burgers here I come!!!!
  • I add a bit of agave and cinnamon, sort of make me feel like I am being bad and eating a cinnamon roll...
  • I have hips and boobs too and someone showed me how to use a low platform to put my hand on as modification
    in Burpees? Comment by csmbsailor May 2013
  • How do you go about calculating how many calories are in a cup of the almond milk? Because 1 cup of ground almonds is 549 cals, but how do you know what you have leached out into the milk?
  • I use these 2 sites a lot when if comes to steel cut oats and crock pots. http://www.thegraciouspantry.com/oatmeal-recipes/ http://www.skinnycrockpot.com/ I also portion the steel cut oats out into microwavable containers, like the ziplock bowels, and then freeze them. Hope it helps.
  • I use Muscle Milk light, ones that are pre-made, or Dymatize Iso 100 powders all taste good to me. I am jsut not sure if they have those brands in Australia
  • I used to have that mindset, but you are taking care of you! It took me a long time to get over that in my own head. Good luck, and happy eating
  • I'm not a Dr. just married to a nurse, lol. Mono is a virus, here is a link to the NIH info on Mono http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001617 It could be that you are wearing your body out with over training and not taking a break, I am currently dealing with a general feeling of being run down. I think having to…