

  • Congratulations - you look fabulous, you look happy, and your eyes are sparking!! I just need to get my camera out as the person in my profile pic is now not someone I really recognise - she has gone..somewhat, I still have the "big girl"in my head some days, and I can so relate to the falling off skirt!!! I put my work…
  • Please dont be discouraged - I have just had my weigh in this week and have moved about 200 grams - after consistent weeks of 1 kg per week. I have become so upset it is ridiculous. I then decided to gauge by my clothes.. of course they are still loose and getting looser. My head space was telling me I stuffed up but my…
  • Hi & welcome I am in Adelaide and have been on MFP for 81 days and 13 kg down since on here & 2 lost before so very happy. The IPhone app helps so much I just add into it as my day goes along - it amazes me sometimes what I eat , and how much I dont actually eat!!. Good luck !!
  • Hi - try water, and at least 2 - 3 litres a day. Fresh fruit and Vegies (or frozen ones- they are just as good, just check the packets for sodium and sugars). I love my caffeine, but since I have been losing weight I have not had one Diet Coke - it just does not appeal anymore. I make my own pizzas - Pizza Hut thinks I am…
  • HI Denise - thank you :) I am lucky to work with great people who surround me with positives!!! I have lost weight before but put it all back on... I felt defeated, but I actually had to wait until my head was in the right space before I could do it again. This time on my terms not on some fad!! I am loving being able to…
  • Hi Rebecca Isnt it great!! My clothes are now hanging off me... but I am going to have some of them taken in in the mean time. I am looking forward to getting back into jeans, so good luck - maybe try a different brand of jeans for the time being? I have a long way to go, but honestly will find that lingerie will be the…
  • Water. Fibre and Pear Juice. Please do not rely on laxatives, as you may become dependant on them. I make sure I intake at least 2-3 litres of water per day, and also I know that sundried tomatoes have a certain effect on me, so if I am constipated, I will include some in my diet. The Pear Juice (natural) was actually…
  • Congratulations on your weight loss !! How fantastic. Do you reward yourself with non food related items when you hit a goal? As someone who lost 44kgs for my 40th and then put it ALL back on, I am determined that I am in control and not food. I am in a better head space now, and my health is my most important thing, not…
  • Hi - I am staying as close to my 1200 when I have exercised, and prefer to use those when I need them - like a family dinner. I am seeing great results - the less you are tempted to have something else, the better. And I stick to plenty of water.
  • hi - re long boots - I have the ridiculous calf problem but purchased my first pair yesterday!! there is a trick to it - zip them up from the bottom all scrunched and pull them up - it might take a few gos, but I was not going to pay $400 AUD plus for boots - and I hate elastic in them. I have a cobbler friend who has…
  • Welcome ladies - Good luck to you both!!!!:smile:
  • Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling is great as is JT - I just let me IPOD choose and go from there!!!
  • Hi Marie Same with me at the moment, was getting a little disheartened, and then decided to start moving a bit more, and it is working. this is not my first time losing weight and last time it literally fell off, but it was very restricitive - no carbs, no a lot of things. Keep your chin up, journal your feelings about…
    in Frustrated Comment by teejies March 2011
  • Congrats - I am one week in and 2kgs down - I am enjoying this so far & my boss at work has joined as well so we helping each other out as well!!! Good luck!!!!
    in hi Comment by teejies February 2011
  • thanks!!! It is great to have support along this journey :) <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com/weight-loss-ticker"><img border="0" src="http://tickers.myfitnesspal.com/ticker/show/505/8704/5058704.png" /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a…