New to my fitness pal from townville :)

hey guy and gals :) so I stumbled across this today in iPhone aps and have to say I'm rapped :) this site seems to have everything I've been looking for :) well anyways a little bout me :) I'm K I'm from Townsville and I'm struggling along trying to shift 10kgs I work hard at the gym but find it hard to eat the right foods a lot of the time :( not overly bad foods just uneducated in what I should be eating, I'm hoping this site will give me some incite in to foods and their nutritional value :) and also maybe get some inspiration from those of you that have been using this site a while :)


  • inn0c3ntbbygrlx3
    welcome and good luck on your journey!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi K, Welcome you will find this a really helpful site. I'm in Sydney, was born in Ayr and have lived in Townsville. my daughter is up there now staying with my sister. She is enjoying the warmth. You have that beautiful Strand to walk along. I have learnt a lot form being on here not only logging my food and exercise but have learnt a lot from the different topics. There are often also challenges you can join in on which helps with motivation. I am currently doing the Jillian Michaels 30Day Shred Dvd, I've done 7 days, still have today to do. Ugg its tough, but I love the way I feel after it. I have been on here since Nov 10 and have lost 18kgs. Good Luck
  • teejies
    teejies Posts: 19
    Hi & welcome I am in Adelaide and have been on MFP for 81 days and 13 kg down since on here & 2 lost before so very happy.

    The IPhone app helps so much I just add into it as my day goes along - it amazes me sometimes what I eat , and how much I dont actually eat!!.

    Good luck !!