Shopping for new clothes!

I've lost 10 pounds since I started my MFP journey!
It feels great to be in shape and fitting into smaller clothes.
But now I can't find a pair of jeans that fit me properly! haha
I'm 5'1 and I'm losing inches off my waist.
Being short makes it hard enough to find some jeans that will fit.
I've been finding myself to be fitting "in between" sizes in all my favorite brand jeans :(


  • EdAmundson
    You go Becca!
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    That's the worst time! One size is too snug and the next size up is too loose! Congrats on the 10 lb weight loss! That's so great!
  • teejies
    teejies Posts: 19
    Hi Rebecca

    Isnt it great!! My clothes are now hanging off me... but I am going to have some of them taken in in the mean time.

    I am looking forward to getting back into jeans, so good luck - maybe try a different brand of jeans for the time being?

    I have a long way to go, but honestly will find that lingerie will be the hardest to keep track of. Last time I lost 44kgs (sorry I am in Australia so only talk metric!!) I lost 8 dress sizes and my boobs disappeared!!! Bras became the bane of my life as I would just buy a really pretty one and "bang" I would already be too small for it....

    Have fun shopping for your new wardrobe!!!