Timdog57 Member


  • If you really want to improve your times, take a look at some HIIT (high intensity interval training) routines. They take less time than standard (steady state) cardio, and provide a bigger cardiovascular benefit. They also are great for losing fat, which most of us want to do.
  • Agreed! At first glance I'd say you're working out too much. 5 days a week is plenty, and depending on intensity levels 4 or even 3 is enough. I would suggest you make your sessions as intense as possible, and give yourself at least 2 days a week to recover. Personally I see no point in jogging unless you really love…
  • 1. I think that adjusting the % of calories in your post workout meals wouldn't be a big deal. As far as I know there's nothing magical about those %'s. As long as the bulk of your calories comes post workout, it doesn't really matter how many meals or what the specific %'s of those are. 2. Similarly, the 3 meals a day…
  • I'm not doing strict paleo, but more towards primal and only about 80% of the time... Anyway, here's what I do in regards to macro's... Take it for what it is... One non-expert's opinion... - First, I shoot for 50-100g of carbs. Set your goal to the percentage that gets you close to this. - Then, I shoot for somewhere…
  • This article is complete hogwash... She never actually provides any evidence or decent arguments to support her hypothesis, and she doesn't even have her facts straight about what Paleo is (or the arguments for it). If this woman is a scholar, I suggest she take a writing 102 class to learn how to write an essay cause this…
  • I eat LOTS of bacon, and lose wieght!! Real bacon, not that turkey crap! YUM!!! EAT MORE BACON=LOSE MORE WEIGHT
  • After a flat week last week, I had another 4 pound loss this week! With a good week this coming week, I might get my second 10 pound month in a row. The fat is FALLING off!!:happy:
  • Yes, you should eat all your calories. The 16/8 approach is just a tool to make it easier to stay within your caloric goals, while also giving the (possible) advantages of increased fat burning during the fast. This means eat your MFP calories, with the deficit build in (based on your MFP goals). The 24 hr fasts (1 or 2…
  • Yeah, this is very similar to me. I usually one or two workouts (lifting or HIIT/MetCon) fasted each week, and one or two not fasted. The first few times I tried working out fasted I felt weak and tired, but now training fasted is no problem at all. Some of my best workouts lately have been fasted workouts!
  • I have found that after a short period of time doing IF, the fasts become quite easy. I was a breakfast eater for my entire life, and now I don't miss it at all. I do the 16/8 approach but mix in a 22-24 hour fast occasionally. The first time I did a 24 hour fast I was miserable, but now they aren't difficult at all. I…
  • ESE is a once or twice a week 24 hour fast methodology, while leangains is a 16/8 (or so) daily fast cycle. On page 5 of this thread I gave a link to an article from this week written by a long time trainer who tried multiple IF models and reviewed them. Check it out. Also, you don't have to train fasted. I typically break…
  • Yeah, I similarly am interested in the same sort of concept as applied to HIIT (as well as strength training). As far as glycogen stores go, am I depleting them if I lift for an hour intensly? Am I depleting them doing a 10-minute HIIT session? Based on the answer to those questions, I'd wonder how the depleted (or lack…
  • I'm trying to find articles to answer the question at hand, and so far I've yet to find any that fully answer the question. I did find this one though, that is related and I thought interesting. http://sweatscience.com/training-without-breakfast-boosts-glycogen-stores/
  • Actually, none of that is relevant to the question posed. Her question was about glycogen storage not anything to do with training for a marathon or not. Again you are proving that the question is over your head, and you are attacking people. Why can't you just stay out of the discussion if you have nothing of any value to…
  • Really??? What are FFA's (fatty acids?)? I had this understanding (like the OP I think) that you needed to deplete your glycogen stores to get into super-fat-burn mode, but you're saying mobilizing the FFA's is all you need to do? So in turn, a HIIT session lasting 10 or so minutes would also serve to mobalize the FFA's…
  • So, 4 pounds lost makes you some kind of expert??? What the heck kind of answer is this? If the question is over your head and you don't know the answer, simply don't answer. Don't attack someone else for asking a very reasonable question just because you have no clue what they're talking about.
  • Great question! This is something that's been on my mind as well, or at least something similar. I've just been wondering if I'm depleting my glycogen stores when I'm working out... I hope there's a knowledgable answer coming...
  • There's been a furvor lately behind the idea that not eating after excercise is actually a perfered method. There's a couple of "experts" out there that promote the idea that you should get some protien (or BCAA's) post workout, and then not eat for at least a few hours. The idea being that your metabolism is in high gear…
  • I had been on a platue with wieghtloss when I started IF in late June. At that point I had lost about 19 pounds, but had been stuck for the better part of 2 months. Since June 20th when I started IF I have lost 31 pounds, and I hardly lost anything during August as I spent much of the month on vacation not eating clean as…
  • Yup! I drive a stick and have had to pull over because my legs were cramping so bad after workouts a couple of times. I couldn't push the clutch in...
  • It's really too bad when high profile people spread the conventional nonsense, I mean conventional wisdom.
  • What did I miss??? Did this turn nasty???
  • I thought I'd share this with the group. I haven't made it through the entire thing yet, but I thought it was kind of interesting. Enjoy: http://www.precisionnutrition.com/intermittent-fasting
  • My current approach, which is working very well for me, is this: - I set my target for carbs at 100g per day (whatever percentage that works out to be) - I set my protien intake between .8g-1g per day, per pound of lean mass (whatever percentage that works out to be) - The fat goal is what's left over after I've set the…
  • You should have titled this post: "Pumping Iron Irony"!
  • My GF and I recently did a workout where we did tabata body wieght squats, then a 1 mile run. We did the squats to parallel and as fast as possible, and we did the 1 mile run as fast as possible. I often do sets of squats with 275#'s, but this workout made me sore for 4 days afterward!!! It's crazy, but this bodywieght…
  • I don't know the answer to this question, but I will say that a HRM might not help you in this case. The HRM calculations for calories burned assume that you are doing steady state cardio, so they could be way off for something like waitressing. Body Bugg may give you a decent calculation, but I'm not sure. I think if you…
  • I don't subscribe to Alan's blog, so can you summarize why this study is a joke? Can you also give examples of some of the other long-term contradictory study's you're refering to?
  • Did we lose our organizer? Anyone know what happened to Blancs?
  • I would definitely consider under 50g to be low carbs, and I've read that ketosis can start with sustained intake of 75g or less.