

  • Glad to see I'm not alone! I hope ya'll get better soon too!
  • Hey! We are about the same...I'm 5'4" and 185! I'm looking to loose about 40 pounds. I'd like to hear about your progress and I know that this will be beneficial to you. This website is amazingly supportive. Nothing has ever worked for me until I found this. Best of luck to ya!
  • I love Hansens all natural diet sodas and they are zero everything as well. It can't effect you if there is nothing in it to effect you with. It's basically like drinking water. (but don't ever replace it with water!) And I actually like it in between meals because the carobnation helps fill me up more! Soda water is just…
  • I was just about to post the same thing! LOL. I'll send a friend request your way. :)
  • Ha! Ain't that the truth. :-) Waiting tables is no picnic. That's why completely cutting it out scares the hell out of me. LOL! I do love to have fun and I feel like if I work hard, wine is so wonderful at the end of the night! I always get a little weary of the preachy studies that say that drinking absolutely NO alcohol…
  • Wow! That's good to know! I always felt like I was working much harder than they say I am. lol!
  • haha- yeah I pretty much gave up on trying to do the yoga.