In need of an online support group.....=)

mandycox1301 Posts: 90
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
So I decided to go ahead and write this, even though it MAY make me sound desperate but to be honest if we are all on this site then we all may be just a little desperate, right? ( I am not a pro at this so bare with me). I am looking for a support group. Just some "friends" on here. People who are there for ideas, support or just to listen to!! Anyone intersted, friend me!! I would love to feel like I am not the only person going through this crazy life style change. I have a great family but not the support or understanding that is needed for this!!!



  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    You don't sound desperate. We're all in the same boat. Sending friend request now.
  • indiblue
    indiblue Posts: 1
    Have you tried It's the BEST for support, inspiration, and accountability!
  • no, never heard of it. Ima look. Thanks!
  • I am in TOPS and they have an online program now. I don't know a lot about how it works, but if you got to you can learn more. I wish you all the best! ~Colleen
  • I was just about to post the same thing! LOL. I'll send a friend request your way. :)
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Friends request just will find lots of friendly people on here and we are all here for the same purpose....the amount we each need to lose may be different, but we all have the same thing in mind. Feel free to contact me anytime. I am on here several times during the day and night. Best wishes in your weight loss journey.
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    FR on the way from England !!!
  • ItsMissMuffy
    ItsMissMuffy Posts: 27 Member
    :-) i got ya girl
  • I've sent a friend request too - I've only just started on this website, and am feeling a little bit overwhelmed so looking for exactly the same thing ;-)
  • charlene77
    charlene77 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm loving MFP...the more friends the better! We are totally here to encourage each other! Sending a request! How are you feeing right now? In the sense with what are you struggling with currently?
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I'm here for you!:flowerforyou:
  • kbloodworth
    kbloodworth Posts: 107 Member
    Sending a request. I'm new, and lonely on this site and need friends too.
  • appleton10
    appleton10 Posts: 12 Member
    I know how you feel. It seems like your all alone on this journey to a healthier lifestyle. I could really use a friend on here too. I've asked several people like my husband and a few friends and no one wants to try to loss any weight or just try to live healthier. I think starting a support group is a great idea.
  • happychell
    happychell Posts: 12 Member
    Friend request sent your way! I think its hard for our family and friends to give the type of support we need as they are looking out for our feelings. I get 'but you dont need to lose weight you look awesome'... lovely but not true according to my latest measurements at the gym! Be great to chat with others who understand the ups and downs of the journey!
  • My biggest struggle is trying to get a "schedule". With kids, work, school, sports and family time its tough.
  • And thanks everyone. This is awesome. I should have sent it 40 days ago when I started,!!!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!! Looking forward to the future with all my ne MFP friends!!! =)
  • mandykasase
    mandykasase Posts: 110
    we achieve great things when we work together.
    request sent.
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    I feel like I am in the same boat, just like everyone else. It should be big enough for everyone, just no tippers! It's the unwritten rule in canoeing!

    I am going to add most of you as friends as well, because I would like to start getting to know people a bit more, and everyone is super friendly from what I can see.

    I'm wondering if we should make a Newbie Thread or something that we can continue throughout our journey? Then we can be like some of the others that have at least 2 threads continuing with over 1000 posts =)

    Let's DO it!

    (ps - please friend me =^,^=)
  • kbloodworth
    kbloodworth Posts: 107 Member
    Friend request sent your way! I think its hard for our family and friends to give the type of support we need as they are looking out for our feelings. I get 'but you dont need to lose weight you look awesome'... lovely but not true according to my latest measurements at the gym! Be great to chat with others who understand the ups and downs of the journey!

    So true! My husband, always told me I was sexy, no matter how heavy I got. Very sweet, but eventually I had to face the facts- I gained 65 lbs during our 10 years together. That is not sexy!
  • happychell
    happychell Posts: 12 Member
    :) I hear you there!!!!!!

    I am looking forward to feeling more energetic, and not being afraid to chuck on my bikini and strut down the beach!
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