

  • I know I couldn't either. I have had a few friends in this situation and they kind of fake it for their kids. I don't believe this is healthy for the kids, they will grow up thinking that is a normal relationship. I think in cases like these its better to have mom and dad separate and happy then together and miserable. It…
  • Just make sure that they aren't sweetened ..... unless you want the added calories
  • I read that too much extra protein can be taxing on the kidneys, but I'm thinking this is huge amounts of excess protein. Make sure you are getting your 8 glasses + more water to help the kidneys flush out what the body doesn't use.
  • I;m not sure what C25K is but make sure with your food that you are reading labels to make sure that it matches what is in the database. I have found with a few things that the database is inaccurate. It could also be a plateau try switching up your workout or tweaking your food a bit. Its hard to tell whats up without…
  • My fav things are; Apple and 12 almonds (0.5oz) Fruit and cottage cheese Fruit and cheese string / babybel Special K / fibre One bars Edamame (they are soy beans in the pods that come frozen in a bag that you microwave and they steam themselves) The packs are about 150 calories each and they are loaded wtih protein. I…
  • Not sure where everyone is from but Tim Horton's has a really great green tea. It also has lemon grass and lemon balm (can't remember exactly). There is another kind of chinese (I believe) green tea called gunpowder, I find it better than some. It is one that would be foudn in an alternative health food store. If you…