mreimer102 Member


  • Too much carbs has an effect on my diet. I was at a plateau and increased my food intake; did not walk for about a week, and all of the sudden, I started losing again. We need to trick our body when we get stalled. I go up and down, but keep losing; so I am happy and don't get affected by the bounce in the scale.
  • Congratulations, you did it! Yeh, a big concern for many of us. So far I don't see much on myself, but I had a friend that quit dieting because her daughter told her that her skin hung on her face and neck, and made her look old. I thought she looked wonderful. I think that we are harder on ourselves though. Extra water…
  • What do we do about our breasts that, now that we have lost weight, seem to hang more? The extra skin is what I hate, in the places I have lost.
  • I like the athletic. I don't like to see women look like they have too much muscle, although I could use some more myself. Melba
  • Drink 8-10 glasses of WATER a day. Eat only serving sizes only, which is usually 1/2 to 1 cup of anything. If you put meat on your plate, weigh it and if you add a veggie, make sure it is only the recommended serving size on the pks or can. One of the keys is to eat every 2 to 2 1/2 hours to keep the metabolism going. If…
  • I love the taste of 210 Nutrition protein shakes. A lot of reviews online and very good taste. They have vanilla, choc, and strawberry. In addition, they have a page of different types of shakes to make. Melba
  • I couldn't have said it better. Well done. Melba
  • Its all about portion control. To maintain, stick to the suggested meal sizes. I eat no more than a cup of anything. If I eat chicken, not fried, I make sure the vegetables are under 1 cup and if anything else is added, keep it portion controlled. Still continue to eat every 2-3 hours to keep up your metabolism. You can…
  • I'm a teacher too, and yes that is part of it, and part of it is good, seemingly anyway. I attended two community meetings at our public library about it. Two public school teachers now travel across our state informing parents of UN details connected with Common Core, and taught our community all about the truth behind it…
  • What can the govt schools do? Forced vaccinations, for one and against parental knowledge. Pushing flu vaccines and pushing the Gardisal vaccine now, on both boys and girls. Girls have passed out, and one girl died right after the shot; and her parents did not have knowledge that it was being done at the school. Their…
  • Another good reason to home school.
  • I agree with you. Schools should start young and teach them for their future career, from the elementary level. No, even as a Christian, I don't home school because I do not believe in evolution. I was taught that growing up as a Christian teen. Never bothered me what the school said about that; but I do have a concern for…
  • As a teacher myself, I know many great teachers in our schools, but our district itself is another matter.
  • That is also my main reason, besides what we went through with our daughter's bullying. I want her to learn at her own pace and not get a book that has been rewritten. The new curriculum coming in, will teach them that they belong to the community, or global citizenship. They do not belong to their parents. History will be…
  • There are so many pros that we have seen, and not very many cons, at least in our home. Schools are getting the pc's in the classroom, and with the Common Core coming in, many kids will soon be taught online, just like home schoolers today. I love it. I had an ADHD kid that I had to home school years ago. He could not sit…
  • So is your mom for or against it? I love it. My daughter gets up when she wants to as a 9th grader. She is in a satellite public school online. Her home room teacher calls her every two weeks, and she can call the other teachers any time she needs help. They will get with her on the white board and help her, say in math.…
  • I have a Masters in education and could teach in the public schools, but have chosen to home school instead. My daughter was bullied for much of her 6th and 7th year. She would beg me not to let her go. Grades were in the toilet as well. I confronted the school and other parents; still not change. One day, after picking…
  • I'm a stay-at-home mom, so I home school my 14 yr old daughter. If you can do that, it would be great, if not; you may have to get a little rough around the edges at times. I pulled my daughter out because of bullying, and her begging me. Now she is in a Satellite public school and has great grade, and is much happier.
  • Welcome, we are all here to help you. I sure get a lot out of other inputs. Encouragement goes a long way. Just stick to 1200 calories or under, walk or exercise; don't pay too much attention to the scale, but how you look and are losing in your clothes. Drink 8-10 cups of water each day; eat something (portion size - no…
  • I've heard you have to trick your body by changing the calorie intake; eating more, or apples between each meal and before bedtime. I know that if we get too predictable, our body will stall. We have to surprise. Changing our exercise routine will help. Instead of me walking; maybe bicycling, or running or high intensity…
  • Are you keeping your metabolism going by eating every few hours? It makes a difference if it is a healthy snack and the right portion control amount? Melba
  • I'm like you. I'm usually under my target, but eat often, like every 2-3 hours. I don't bother to push to the daily goal unless I am way under. The more you work out though, the more you need food. Down from 178 to 165.8 in close to 3 weeks so far, so I guess the way I am doing it is working. Melba
  • Add frozen fruit and blend them with skim milk, low cal juice, yogurt, etc. Eat portion sized meals and snacks in between. Eat every 2-3 hours; use weight watcher meals if you need to. Eating within your calorie limits will help you. Remember to check the portion size of everything you buy, and stay on what it says as the…
  • Yeah, my sister and I have been walking 3 miles a day, twice a week. Dropped 6 Ibs.
  • Brooke, Are you just doing weight watchers alone? I am also using weight watcher meals; but try buying frozen fruit, mix 1 cup with either 1 cup of juice or yogurt, or slim milk, or almond milk. These are the varieties I use. juice for breakfast, only for a cup; and eat something healthy (1cup only), two hours later; eat…
  • I'm new here and am very excited. I have been walking on the treadmill, but for no more than 30 minutes, as I have just started . I hope to build up an endurance and walk at least 45 min to an hour. I find that when I see my progress each day and the pounds dropping off, it really motivates me. I am trying to eat every…
  • I just ordered the 310 nutrition protein drink. In the past, protein drinks I tasted were awful. This one, is supposed to be fantastic.a lot of rave reviews. I have already started mixing fruit (fresh or frozen) with almond milk, and other great things, shakes, to drink, twice a day. Everything is only a cup; not matter…