iluvsparkles Member


  • 10 seconds or so is also how I teach my class...a break any longer than that, and not only does your heart rate start to come down, but your muscles start to sieze up, especially after a really high intensity song! Ouch! I definitely suggest jumping jacks or something for anyone who's class has large gaps...maybe if you do…
  • Yes, i definitely have 'twin skin' - and there's no getting rid of it, especially after losing this much weight. Luckily for me, the area above my belly button has very few stretch marks, but below my belly button didn't faire so well, so I wear boy short bikinis and try to keep a tan to help disguise them.
  • Hi! I've lost 81 pounds on here since having twins 3 years ago (with Zumba!) and it's been one of the best things that's ever happened to me. You can do it if I could! Persistence (that's your part) and support (that's us!) is all it takes. Be more stubborn than the fat! Welcome!
  • This cracks me up so much, because I am right there with ya!
  • I see that someone else already suggested it. It takes some getting used to but really really works, and after you get used to it you will feel funny sitting on a chair or the couch! Really draws your awareness to your core all day long, and engages your posture muscles.
  • I haven't read all of the replies yet, but I thought that I would mention that I used a yoga ball as a desk chair for several years and it did wonders for my core!
  • I'm glad to see there are people still finding this thread! It could be come a great resource, not to mention it's always fun to have friends who are into the same things as you!
  • this is so funny to me, because, despite my hubby being an accountant, I still do our main budget. He uses his check to pay the one big mortgage bill (and his gas) each month, and I pay all of the other static and non-static bills. It really works best for us too.
  • Glad to hear that we are not outside the norm on this. My hubby and I function very well on our 2 separate accounts. I am a freelance designer, and he is an accountant for a country club. He pays the mortgage and keeps a savings account, I pay everything else. It has always worked for us so I suspect we will probably keep…
  • I too can seriously relate to all of these comments and stories. Isn't it weird how these things stick to our memories like glue?! I too changed away from the crowd in gym and was made fun of for my weight. In the 6th grade I had my first 'boyfriend' and it took me until college to realize that it was all a big joke on me.…
  • Hi everyone... I just wanted to write to say that I totally suck!! I have been too busy to keep up as a hufflepuff in the threads, and I just wanted to come over here and admit it :) I have been keeping up with my eating and exercising, I just haven't been making the time to get on the forums because I got a new job and…
  • wow, I knew I wasn't the only one! Mine definitely gets worse when I am nervous or stressed. Sometimes my husband will grab my thumbs to keep me from picking at them when he notices me doing it. I'm going to try the carmex thing for my lips, i think that might help me. I was moved to write this today because my lip is in…
  • Just pinch and peel..try it, it's way easier than stem end.
  • Cereal crunchy, Banana end I have found that peeling the banana from the end opposite the stem is much more effective, and you have much less risk of mushing the top of the nanner if the stem doesn't break.
  • I am guessing that since you are already so small, that 1200 calories isn't enough for you, especially if you are working out in p90x style. I would say eat a little more each day for several weeks, and I bet that you start to lose again. But honestly, I think you are at a good weight right now, I would just focus on…
  • You're in Lindsay....our numbers have been dwindling, so join in! We just like to keep each other accountable, and we weigh in on Thursdays. We also have a 13 mile run/jog challenge going on for the month of Sept. We also have a facebook group
  • you are the best for keeping us going...funny how quickly things can dwindle on mfp huh? We got this!
  • I am also dying to see where they break the movie in half.... what do you guys think? Right after Reneesme is born maybe? So that part one is human Bella and part 2 is vampire family?
  • I'm sure it tastes like crap! Probably something like fingernail polish remover or something...
  • Ugh I suck! I've done no miles, but I have at least stuck with my Zumba. I need to try to make some time to at least do SOME before Sept is up!
  • Ok here's my Weigh-In for this week: 174.2 Exercise minutes for the week: 200 minutes Pushups last week: none :( Greens: 8 servings Thanks for your patience!
  • I'm here, I'm here! I promise I'm gonna check in tonight. To be honest, I haven't yet because I am ashamed that I need to go back and read through the thread and see HOW to do it, then I gotta tally my numbers and report in.
  • Hey Huffle-friends! So, for starters, I have been crappy at checking in. I do kinda have some valid excuses though- it's not just cuz I'm being lazy. I had some non-weight related victories this past week and so I am officially working four jobs now(!)... the most important of course being my silly one year old twins, but…
  • OMG that peacock dress is AWESOME, though I am with everyone else, the blue one (which also looks awesome) is more wedding-y....and I like the idea about finding a strappy nude heel with that. Beautiful you are!!
  • Hey sweet's weigh in day! I am actually excited this time because I am finally down a pound. It took all month!
  • Hey everyone! I hope that everyone (especially the Americans) did ok with the big cook out day yesterday. I did NOT! I ate SO much bad crap! Could someone remind me when weigh in day is for huffles? I've forgotten and I am on several other groups on the board that all have different weigh-in days, so I need to get myself a…
  • Alright! I'm on it! It's supposed to rain all week here so I might have to do mine indoors! I really need to change it up for my body because I am stuck!
  • Hey friendly hufflepuffs! I am just checking in to say that I am still here! The holiday weekend has thrown me off with visitors and such, but I am going to do my best to get back on the bandwagon this week! I need to get off my butt and start hufflepuffing my way back into gear!
  • hey everyone! Congrats to the prefects, you guys seriously KICK BOOTY! I had a rough day today with my 'TOM' but I still managed 8 cups plus 2 sets of crunches. Man I am so tired, and frustrated with all this water retention...ugh the joys of being a woman...