

  • 1th Jan 14 :) fit test results switch kicks 150 power jacks 65 power knees 125 power jumps 35 globe jumps 12 suicides 19 push jacks 31 low planks 73 no breaks, straight through. more indicative of a final fit test and i doubt highly my numbers would improve too much at the end of it. rock on!
  • i dunno if this is of any help, but when I started Insanity i always drank 250ml of chocolate milk as a recovery drink after each workout. ive never had any issues post exercise with soreness, even after the first time through a workout. if youre from Australia Aldi sells Arctic Choc in 2 litres which tastes pretty good,…
  • its still insane, but not insane as most of them. based on my self assessment i think ill give T25 a shot after this round of insanity. shorter workout with no breaks and still with Mr T (foo'!!!) still lovin insanity though :P
  • did pure cardio this morning! love it! my most favourite workout. i feel like i could do it twice, i love it that much!
    in Day 1 Comment by d3ck5 January 2014
  • you know, as hard as insanity is (and it is very bloody well hard) the fitness tests I find the most "painful" and the only workout i dread. even though they are the shortest, and I burn the least calories, I would much rather struggle for an hour, burn closer to 1k in cals, than to do those damned fitness tests. puke…
    in Day 1 Comment by d3ck5 January 2014
  • lost about over 9kgs. dropped from a 36 pants size to a 32-33ish lost quite a lot around my face and neck (looking at the before pics on my iphone are a good wake up call). ive weighed less before, but my cardio was no where near this good. so far Im still sweating it out, but finding my HRs are less and less which means…
    in Day 1 Comment by d3ck5 January 2014
  • my day 1 was pretty good fit test results switch kicks 150 power jacks 65 power knees 125 power jumps 35 globe jumps 12 suicides 19 push jacks 31 low planks 73 huge caveat! this is NOT my first fitness test, rather a better indication of what you can expect on your LAST fitness test of Insanity. I finished my first round…
    in Day 1 Comment by d3ck5 January 2014
  • hey all just fluffed out the last couple of days of my first round of Insanity and pumped for the second round starting with you good folk in the next couple of days just a couple of things. i used this app on my iphone to track the workouts (ps: im NOT the developer nor am I affiliated with them)…
  • serious contender for the most inspirational thread on the interwebs! well done everyone, hats off to you all!!
  • just thought id bump this up, as this dudes launching it in Australia this week. any other people doing this?
    in UFC FIT Comment by d3ck5 December 2013
  • for me, yes so far. ill be on target to lose close to 10kgs (22lbs) and have gone from a 36 pants size to much closer to 32/33. Im 5'7" and started @ 93kg. I'm just under 87kg now with 1.5 weeks left. I have NOT been following the diet strictly, but i use the MFP app to track cals. My daily is just over 2000 (based on the…
  • if youre not a morning person, its very hard to convert. i am though and this is what i usually do most mornings * I drink a coupla glasses of water before i go to bed (when i get up, im dying to go, and sometimes to the point it wakes me up to go) * set up multiple alarms (iphone and ipad) iphone close by, ipad is far…
  • cheers Steven. ill check that out
  • i would JUST be finishing my first complete round and may restart on Jan 1. so i might join. :) on a sidenote, burning 1k in cals in 45mins is a little optimistic. best ive done is 1k in just on an hour and i thought i was gonna die! ive burnt 1k a number of times since, but theyve always been in over an hour. in 45 mins?…
  • i love me some rap and hip hop, but sometimes the bpms are a little low for high intensity stuff heres my insanity playlist, which seems to get chopped and changed all the time. for the most part, the bpms are pretty close http://open.spotify.com/user/1231082032/playlist/4h6Dwtpuoxq0NEiDCd96G5
  • ive always done a short warm up job (not run) before lifting any weights. ive also lifted pretty much the second i stepped into a gym. i didnt enjoy the sensation much but have seen others do it with no problems. personally, i warm up before lifting.
  • cheers DavPul its was a "quick question" just not a quick post :)
  • just thought id chime in here. im on my second last week of insanity. first half lost no weight, but a stack of inches (think size 36 pants to about a 33-34) second half of insanity so far ive lost 8kg with another week and a half to go. I think im on target to lose about 10kg (22lbs) for the entire workout. im actually…
  • OMG its amazing how a great haircut can change your appearance.... ;) oh and losing hundreds of lbs also :D hats off to you my good man!
  • gym squares would help a little supportive shoes also telling the peeps downstairs is a must and it (the fact youre conscious about the noise) might actually improve your technique as most of the jumping is designed for soft landings :)
  • that is weight loss of epic proportions (im sure theres a pun in there somewhere), mad props! keep on keeping on.
  • ive heard of people youtubing popular workouts and using that as their routine. if you have a laptop and wifi, this would be ideal.
  • i reckon this would have the be one of the most asked questions on fitness boards, and the hardest one to answer. motivation for everyone is different, and so youll need to find the motivation that works for you. some ideas i would try would be: * find a workout buddy so you can motivate each other * have a goal that has…
  • everyone goes through the lack of motivation phase, and everyone has their own way of getting through it. for me, its the little things. like finding out i now have to the use the smallest notch on my belt or having a relative (or friend) i havent seen for a couple of months ask me if I've lost weight or the feeling of…
  • changed workout locations a number of times (rennovated family room, to garage, to newly refurbed lounge room) and had to shuffle around some of the workout order to accommodate the workmen. still "pushed through" and am knocking down the calories. cuz of the changed workout order I'm finding my body more tired this time…
  • awesome awesome awesome!
  • Don't feel nervous after your first fit test. Don't feel nervous after your second fit test either (because chances are, you'll blitz the first round results). Feel nervous about your 3rd fit test because you'll wonder how you'll ever beat your second test results. :) Either way, just echoing everyone's comments, compete…
  • IMHO if said overweight person is not willing to help themselves initially, no manner of telling, teaching, or explaining will help them. Ever. I have many overweight friends (I was once too) and I usually drop a line similar to "if you need some help, just ask" and wait for them. those that are serious about cutting down…
  • the first time i did the pure cardio + cardio abs workout of insanity i burnt 784 in about 56 mins. there was also a couple of minutes break between dvds and the ab component (about 15 mins) was not high intensity at all there are hour long workouts to insanity which ive not yet started (another week or so) and I'm quite…
  • cheers theres a lot of c sitting in hip hop abs which i found quite easy. but c sitting directly after doing pure cardio is madness. ill try it for a 3rd time to see if my mind can overcome my body :)