VeganFit Member


  • I have ordered from Beachbody and have had nothing but great service. I will say this though that I am A Beachbody Coach just so some may think that my perception may be Biased. I have had one order that I needed to take care of and they were on it instantly and took care of it in a timely fashion. LOVE TurboFire too haha.…
  • Well what are you eating? Honestly it all depends on how much you put into your workout and what you consume. Just because you cut out potato chips and drink water and don't eat sweets doesn't mean anything other than you are doing great on that aspect. Don't look at it as doing anything wrong either! You are here to make…
  • I haven't personally tried it but my coach has and she liked it and shed 8 pounds from it. The Second time she did the cleanse she did it to get her back on track with eating and such. I know others who have done it and had good results. If you do try it i'd like to know how it works for ya! Michael
  • Yeah theres definitely an adjustment period! Sometimes I still feel that way but not always. Are you putting the right foods to fuel your body in your body? Also are you getting enough sleep? Sometimes that has an effect but it could just be the new job and you getting into a new routine. I work a full time job, I come…
  • Hey! Rock On! I've been the same way, I found this App on my phone a while back and haven't been able to put it down. For me what helped was to really look at what I was doing to my body. To educate myself on what was going on and to look at all the problems that I could of faced had I continued down the path that I was…
  • Vegan Loud and Proud over here LOL! Going Vegan was one of the easiest choices i've ever made (when I did decide to finally do it that is) and I've never looked back. I've never thought it was 'hard' or thought that I 'couldn't' have things I just chose differently. I've seen so many people tell me I 'can't' have this or…