giglqueen Member


  • Wednesday check in. I was off work today for a dentist and doctor appointment. It was nice having a day off, even if I didn’t get to sit around and veg out. I ended up getting a cortisone shot in my shoulder and I’m praying it works and the pain will be gone. Finger and toes crossed!! We have MORE company coming in…
  • Happy Tuesday! I’ve had a rough couple of days. I just got back from my TurboKick class and I feel deflated. I bought a knee brace because I’ve been in pain after every class, but apparently One size fits most no longer includes me. It’s a stupid knee brace!?!? I’m frustrated because I cannot find work out clothes that fit…
  • Good morning!! Happy Sunday!! Yesterday was a great day! I went to my PiYo class in the morning, had lunch with family, hung out and then had dinner and went to a hockey game. I made good choices and was very proud of myself. Today we’re going to go check out a puppy and my in laws want Firehouse Subs for lunch. I am not…
  • Happy Friday my peeps!! Today was going soooo well. So well. I didn’t cave to my burger and fries craving at lunch and stuck with my soup, turned down birthday cake that had my favorite icing and still avoided the TUB of leftover Halloween candy my coworkers brought in to let everyone else get fat from. Then...warm…
  • Happy Thursday!! Today has been rough. I had a very very hungry day! I did well for the most part and made the most delicious low carb stuffed pepper soup with cauliflower rice. Yum!! I have some in laws coming in tonight so the weekend will be rough, but I’m determined to stick with it. Hope everyone had a great day!
  • Ugh, my post didn’t post!! Well, to sum it up I had a long stressful day and instead of going to bed when i got home, i went to my TirboKick class and felt great afterwards. I even ate on plan instead of grabbing comfort foods. Yay me!! Hope everyone has had a great Tuesday!!
  • Good Morning my Pushing Forward peeps. We've had a rough week in the Adams home but today I'm back on track! I just wanted to pop in and say hi, hope everyone has a great week!
  • Good Morning! Man, I'm exhausted from our weekend visitors! I did not eat the greatest, but I didn't go crazy either. I did walk 11 miles between Saturday and Sunday though, so that's a good thing! We were gone all weekend so I wasn't able to prep at all for this week, we never even got to the grocery store. Since tomorrow…
  • Hi guys! This last week has been ridiculously crazy. Too much work, too much of a sick dog, too many headaches for my little man and trying to get the house ready for guests this weekend. Ugh... I did pretty good this week. I went to my TurboKick class, helped my friend decorate for her Halloween party and only slipped a…
  • Happy Taco Tuesday!! That’s me wanting tacos, but a grilled chicken salad it is! I just got finished with my TurboKick class and I’m sweating like a pig! My nutrition today was great and I’m just trying to get more water in. I think I’m doing pretty good, I had to get up at 3 to use the restroom
  • Happy Monday peeps!! I am still super sore from my PiYo class Saturday. I was trying to get to a Zumba class tonight but I got stuck at work. My food has been awesome and I’m super proud of myself. My scale didn’t move but I hope I’m just holding water in my sore muscles. I’ll check again next Monday morning. :) Hope…
  • Happy Saturday!! Today has been so busy! I took a PiYo class this morning. It was great! The instructor offered up 30 minutes before class as a quick instruction to the moves so I wouldn’t be lost the entire class, so I had a great 90 minutes workout. The rest of the day was cleaning, weeding, playing soccer with my son,…
  • Hi everyone!! I had my first TurboKick class last night and it was so fun! It also solidified how out of shape I am. Saturday is an hour of PiYo and I’m pretty sure I might die.
  • Checking in for the 6th and 7th Friday was great. I did my usual walking and my toe only started hurting until the end of the day. I came home to homemade adada and low carb margaritas thanks to my hubby. Today was pretty good too. I did great at Octoberfest with all the delicious tempting foods everywhere. I did have one…
  • Day 3 Checkin (10/5) Today was a rough one! I did really well all day with my food choices but caved when I got home to my husbands request for Mexican. Yes, I could have made a better choice, but a chimicanga was calling my name and I cannot say no to chips and salsa. Just bad decisions! My poor toe was killing me all…
  • Day 3 (restart) Today was great! I did lots of laps around my building and almost got 9,000 steps! That’s unheard of on a weekday for me! Tomorrow I’m going to try to hit 10K. Well, I actually could have done it tonight but I decided to break my toe instead. Stupid door... My food was amazing, I stayed below my calories…
  • Hi guys! I'm sorry I missed my day 2 check-in! Day 2 went very well. It was a busy day so I wasn't able to get as many steps in as I did on Monday, but I've already decided to make it up today. :) My nutrition was great, I stayed under my calorie goal and under my carb count. A local fitness center is having a Fall into…
  • Hi everyone! Sorry I’ve been quiet, I had a rough couple of weeks at work, with last week really crushing me. But today was my day 1 again and I did awesome. I walked around my building enough to get me over 8K steps today when last week I was averaging 2,700. My food was on point and I didn’t even think about cheating. I…
  • Hi guys! Sorry I've been MIA, this week has been super hectic with end of the month in a mortgage company! I've had 12 hour days all week, so when I get home I'm ready for bed! My nutrition was on point Monday and Tuesday, but faltered the rest of the week. It's really sad when you're so busy at work you can't get up to…
  • Monday Check In!! Today went awesome!! I walked around my building 8 times today in nasty heat and humidity, I stuck to my planned meals, and the dinner I made was simply amazing. Keto tastes goood!! Here's to a fantastic Tuesday!
  • Last week was been rough. Work was rough, I can't lift my right arm at all, and life in general has kicked my butt. But...I'm prepped for the week and I got more steps last week then I have for a while, so there's a bonus!! I'm determined to make next week a great one!!
  • Monday check in! Today was a rough one. I ate too many carbs and was over on my calories. I got in a good amount of steps though! I had my second visit at the chiropractor and my arm has been having muscle spasms since I got home. That's fun! lol hopefully that means it's working!
  • Hi my peeps! Today was a good day! We took our Georgia evacuees downtown this afternoon after the hubby did the yard and I cleaned up the house. I got some good stepping in :) I've made them shredded chicken tacos and I had myself a shredded chicken salad with salsa for my dressing. So yummy! Now we're hanging out watching…
  • Hope everyone is having a great weekend!! We had some of my husbands family arrive yesterday. Due to the hurricane he was evacuated from his base in Georgia and he came with his wife, dog, and 2 cats. Thankfully all their animals are upstairs secured behind a couple of doors because our Roxy girl (11 year old Boxer) is not…
  • YAY! I got in today!!! Good morning everyone! Last weekend was rough, we went out of town on Thursday for the holiday so I didn't eat exactly how I wanted, although I did my best with what I was given, and I didn't get to walk as much as I wanted because it was raining. But today's a new day and so far so good! I'm on…
  • Morning!! I forgot to check in last night! Day 2 was tougher than day 1, that's for sure! I stayed the course with my carbs, fought off the urge to eat all the Dorritos in the house, and walked my laps around the building for my movement. I had to ice my knee once my son was in bed, but it's starting to feel a little…
  • Hi everyone! Day one is in the books and went great! I'm following the keto way of eating because that's how I've had my best results and also felt my best. I tweaked my knee yesterday catching our safe as it tumbled sideways so I couldn't do much more than walk, so I did laps around my office throughout the day. :)
  • Hi!! I'm Jenn and in desperate need of an accountability crew!! I work a lot of hours and have a hubby and a 6 year old. I have a lot to lose but would just be happy to see the scale move. :)
  • I love them! I eat one daily. :) Cookie Dough and Cookies and Cream are my two favorites and I always buy a box of them each, then rotate them. I also throw in a random one here and there to try new flavors. I have never completely disliked any of them. GNC is constantly having a sale on them, you can grab a few different…
  • I started the C25K program a month ago, got fitted for shoes at a running store, bought the $10/pair running socks, and still ended up with a huge blood blister under my second toenail on my left foot. I'm pretty sure my nail is about to fall off, and it was very painful for several days. I've contacted the running store…