Daily check in



  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in - Day 12

    Played tennis for 2 hrs and completed P90X3 Isometrix, it’s like hardcore yoga and I felt I did better today then last week. Really starting to love yoga!
    Nutrition: I’ll say ok; I was under calories but, not clean choices and my chicken was more cheese then chicken.

    Mommabeare – it’s always a good thing to check calories before eating, Cocktail peanuts killed me! Keep up the great job, you’re my hero! (PS: Enjoy your game!)

    CC – When you know better you do better, we all have those days just keep pushing forward!

    KathyNK – Full day of moving and grooving! Keep up the great workouts! Plus super job on skipping the cheese burger! :)

    Kbranch – Sounds like you had a treat and then took care of it at the gym, excellent job! I love that you said “it’s a marathon not a race” so true my friend and words to live by!!!

    Shawna – Excellent job for sticking to your plan! You rock girlfriend! And thank you so much for your support, I believe some people just don’t understand our journey for whatever the reason and I believe they don’t mean any harm but somethings it’s still tough. We have each other to lean on and we will continue to kick butt!

    Naomisds – One day at a time and before you know it (we all) be in a groove! Keep pushing forward!

    Day 3 – wkly ? no idea, lol
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Looking forward to getting in a good workout tomorrow and burning lots of calories. Can't believe it's already Day 13 tomorrow. Let's all make it our lucky number with good days all around.
    Day 2, weekly 21
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Check in
    Gym, treadmill, and In jammies by 1:30
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    edited September 2017
    I had a little tennis workout at the courts tonight. Had fun and burned some calories with Naomi. Food was the usual today. Under goal. My intake is typically 1600 calories. I could get it down and need to work on 1400 (gross intake).

    CC - I knew you'd have a great day.
    Kathy - good choice and I'm sure it was tasty. The burger can be a treat next time.
    Sheri - what can I say, your an animal
    Naomi would let me off the court until she hit a certain #! I was a good friend and ran around with her until she did. Both of us benefited.

    I just came home from the courts and had dinner. I'm tired.

    Now the dreaded weekend with many choices and temptations. Wish me luck.

    D5, W24
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Kathy - - Good choice!
    Sheri - - Great workout!
    Kim - - Thanks for the exercise! You know how much I love singles!
    All - - When you have a craving, drink a glass of water (or at least a few swallows) and tell yourself you're going to wait 30 minutes to give in to the craving. If you still have the craving after 30 minutes, then go ahead and indulge. However, most of the time, you will forget all about the craving and will be able to resist temptation with ease! Just be sure not to set a timer to remind yourself when the 30 minutes are up! Lol!

    Other than that, the singles playing was a great workout which helped me come in several hundred calories under my goal, so overall it was a good day!
  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!! We had some of my husbands family arrive yesterday. Due to the hurricane he was evacuated from his base in Georgia and he came with his wife, dog, and 2 cats. Thankfully all their animals are upstairs secured behind a couple of doors because our Roxy girl (11 year old Boxer) is not dog or cat friendly. I was able to stay on track the last couple of days and got my walking in. This morning I convinced everyone to go on a family walk with the dogs and it was so nice!! Now we have a birthday party and back home for dinner. I'm going to stay on track!! I have to remember how much I enjoy morning activities, I stay on track and motivated all day long!!
  • jorange88
    jorange88 Posts: 36 Member
    I've been MIA for a bit but here we go.
    This has been a good week. Nutritionally I have been making good choices. I took a two day hiatus from workouts but jumped right back into it the third day. Dropped a pound so im excited about that.
  • lschreiber78
    lschreiber78 Posts: 17 Member
    intotennis wrote: »
    Check in - Day 11

    Checking in early, making an airport run this evening.

    Played 2 hrs tennis doubles, really competitive so got a great sweat going! Tweaked my back a little so didn't do P90X3, it was CVX which is major core workout. Went to the chiro yesterday and will do some stretching instead.
    Nutrition: So far so good :)


    I thought about posting this and decided I would share my thoughts. Don't let Friends or Family get you off track!!

    **I went out to dinner with my hubby and I had in my head what I would order (good choices) Once there, my hubby said oh, look they have the wine you like. I wasn't planning on having wine but, I took the opening and ordered a glass (I forgot to tell him what was in my head,lol) I only had one and stayed under my calories but, I didn't stick to "MY" plan.

    **I wear a HRM on my upper arm to see how many calories I burn. I was talking with a friend and mentioned it said I burned 1,600 playing tennis and she laughed & said ya right! I know she didn't mean anything by it but, it really bummed me out and I thought why should I use one? After thinking about it; I will continue to use a HRM, I know it's only an estimate, I don't eat my workout calories back so it really doesn't matter what the number is, I just like to see I'm burning something. It helps me and keeps me motivated!

    So whatever the situation, friends or family, they mean well but, don't let them get you off track, stay strong, stay on "your" course and keep pushing forward.

    You all are doing amazing, keep kicking butt!!!! :)

    Day 3 - Weekly 11
    intotennis wrote: »
    Check in - Day 11

    Checking in early, making an airport run this evening.

    Played 2 hrs tennis doubles, really competitive so got a great sweat going! Tweaked my back a little so didn't do P90X3, it was CVX which is major core workout. Went to the chiro yesterday and will do some stretching instead.
    Nutrition: So far so good :)


    I thought about posting this and decided I would share my thoughts. Don't let Friends or Family get you off track!!

    **I went out to dinner with my hubby and I had in my head what I would order (good choices) Once there, my hubby said oh, look they have the wine you like. I wasn't planning on having wine but, I took the opening and ordered a glass (I forgot to tell him what was in my head,lol) I only had one and stayed under my calories but, I didn't stick to "MY" plan.

    **I wear a HRM on my upper arm to see how many calories I burn. I was talking with a friend and mentioned it said I burned 1,600 playing tennis and she laughed & said ya right! I know she didn't mean anything by it but, it really bummed me out and I thought why should I use one? After thinking about it; I will continue to use a HRM, I know it's only an estimate, I don't eat my workout calories back so it really doesn't matter what the number is, I just like to see I'm burning something. It helps me and keeps me motivated!

    So whatever the situation, friends or family, they mean well but, don't let them get you off track, stay strong, stay on "your" course and keep pushing forward.

    You all are doing amazing, keep kicking butt!!!! :)

    Day 3 - Weekly 11

  • lschreiber78
    lschreiber78 Posts: 17 Member
    Keep up the good work Sheri! Good recognition of your plan and not letting others dictate it!
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Check In Day 13

    Walked the dogs with husband, temperature was in the 80's so dragged him to the local tennis courts for singles. First set was non stop, 2nd set I had to enjoy the changing of sides break, 5/6 times throughout the whole time I had to stop because heart rate was hitting high 170's & 180 and wouldn't start until I came down to a recovery heart rate, it was fast, so it's telling me my heart is getting stronger (usually about 20-30 seconds). Serving was EXHAUSTING!

    They quicker you recover, the healthier and stronger your heart is. I know my 80% cardio hr should be in the 150, but surgeon said I would run high for a while.

    Today was first full day off ketogenics and wasn't hungry at all. Think the tennis took the hunger away. I do not like this coco libra protein, taste artificial and weird, but will finish it for the protein.

    You guys are all rocking in your own way in your own world.
    Tomorrow will be a free day, but going to keep our traditional football game platters smart.

    Steamed shrimp, homemade potato skins, chicken nuggets, veggie platter and BEER! Trying to keep it high protein, potatoes will be sour cream, bacon, and cheese.

    I'm going to predict by 2:30, I will be taking a nap.

  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Hello gang. Completed a 5.3mi jog without walking. My avg pace was under 10mi miles so in the 9 min range is a good run for me. I ate well, no slip ups except 45 calories of vanilla wafers and was under 1600 gross calories.
    Good to hear from Jorange and your healthy choices. Also good to hear from Giglqueen and how's she's managing despite the hardship.
    I see a bunch of tennis junkies played today and did super. Tennis is an excellent full body workout. I'll be out there tomorrow swinging away.

    I'm giving a whoop whoop to Sloane Stephens our US Open singles champ! What a story she has.

    We're about half way through or so in our challenge. Let's not let off now.

    D4, W28
    Week 2
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    daily 4, weekly 25
    Played some tennis this morning and then watched the women's final at the US Open this afternoon. My footwork tomorrow morning on the court is going to be awesome!!!! Stayed under calorie goal today but my food choices were not the best. High on sodium again. Blah! Sounds like Irma is going to hit Georgia too. Pray for all those in it's path. Gonna start out this new week hard.
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Great job, jorange88!

    MommaBeare, glad to hear your work to improve your health is paying off!

    I allowed myself to have a Starbucks drink and a small bag of chips today but did enough tennis, yard work, and walking to burn it off. I feel like I had a great day and think I may be losing some weight but won't know for sure for another week. I'm actually looking forward to weighing in!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Just a thought:

    (I will do my check in at the end of the day)

    I know we will all stumble now and again but, this weekend I tripped and fell flat on my face! On Friday; I was sore, tired, back hurt, cranky and top it off with some good old PMS and I fell right back into my old comfort habits. So I got to thinking, I have some little “tricks” I use to help me with other bumps but, what could I have done differently this time other then the old (bad choices) way? With my tired & sore body, I didn’t want to do a workout but, I could of taken a nice long hot shower or I’m lucky enough, I have a hot tub, I could of sat in that and listen to some great music. Right?

    So why don’t we all share some of our “tricks” for the bumps we’ll have.

    I love sitting down at the end of a long day with a glass of wine so, now if I want some wine, I fill that wine glass with some sparkling flavor water and I’m good.

    If I’ve really craving something; I tell myself “if you still want it in an hour, you can have it”. When I tell myself I can’t have something, then I want it more, lol By giving myself permission to have something is usually enough and I get pasted the cravings.

    Favorite go to snack: Hummus and celery sticks, I get the salty taste from the hummus and the crunch from the celery.

    Now share you’re old and new with your favorite too! (I’m a poet, lol) :p
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    This is a very helpful perspective to bring up. Organic apple cider vinegar (1-2 tbs) in a glass of water. Afterward nothing sounds good. I don't mind the drink. It also has some digestive benefits and moderates insulin levels after a eating starch. Another thing I do is eat some protein and wait a while. Maybe drink water too. Lastly, take your mind off the the craving. Go for a walk or get your mind to concentrate on something other than food. Cravings are typically temporary. Intotennis has a very good suggestion, if you still want it in an hour, have some, but not all! I find if I deprive too long and go cold turkey, I may consume more than if I just had a taste.
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Sheri, this sounds a lot like my 'if you have a craving, drink a little water and wait 30 minutes and see if it goes away' post. Didn't you read it? LOL! It is true, though, that most cravings will go away if you just wait them out a bit. If they don't go away, indulge A LITTLE and then move on. Another option is to get involved in an activity that's incompatible with eating. Try turning on some music and dancing off some calories, taking a shower, calling a friend or, as Kim suggested, go for a walk.

    Finally, remember that you don't have to deal with cravings constantly. It might seem like they provide never ending temptation, but really, cravings just come and go from time to time, and try to recognize that most of the time you're actually in between cravings, not in a battle against them every minute of every day.
  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Hi my peeps! Today was a good day! We took our Georgia evacuees downtown this afternoon after the hubby did the yard and I cleaned up the house. I got some good stepping in :) I've made them shredded chicken tacos and I had myself a shredded chicken salad with salsa for my dressing. So yummy! Now we're hanging out watching some football and I'm going to boil some eggs for the week, separate the shredded chicken for lunches and relax. Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Hello everyone, today was a good day. Played some singles and had a good time. Ate well and maybe had too much good-healthy food. Wish a ate a little less, but it's Sunday and I was cooking for the week. Still under goal.

    Thanks for the interesting posts throughout the week! Looking forward to another good week with you guys.

    D4, W32