Daily check in



  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    edited September 2017
    Check in – Day 14 Sunday!

    Rest day - Played 18 holes of golf so I got some moving in.
    Nutrition – was just ok, I will have better focus this coming week!

    To all the Florida peeps, wishing you all well & hoping your safe!

    Naomis – Great workout & good for you to keep pushing until you hit your number, plus you’ve been working hard and deserve a treat now and again! Congrats on feeling great, I'm sure you'll see great results when you weigh in! Excellent advise on drinking water for cravings, I must have missed it the 1s time, lol

    Giglqueen – You’re awesome, getting the family moving and grooving, prepping for the week it excellent, keep kicking butt!

    Jorange – Congrats on the loss and for being strong and getting right back into your workouts.

    Mommabeare – sounds like you have everything in order, good for you to push yourself but not to much, enjoy your football game, you’ve worked hard and deserve a treat!

    Kbranch – congrats on the good run time and sticking with your healthy choices! I’ll have to give the cider a try but, might need a really big glass of water after, so it’s a win/win, lol

    Kathynk – Tennis is a great workout for sure! Congrats on being under calorie goal and you’ll get the sodium down, keep pushing forward!

    Side note: They say habits are made &/or broken in 21 days so let’s really push it this coming week! Plus, this a 90 day challenge so we’re just starting to rock it!


    Queen for the week???

    Kbranch – You are setting a exceptional example and it will be hard to knock you off your throne but, I now we can, lol Super job and big congrats on keeping your crown!


    Day 3 - Week 3
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Eating more slowly so you have the time to recognize when you're full and drinking more water help in cutting down portion size. So now I try to take a drink of water after each bite or if I grab a snack to drink 8 oz of water with it. It was poker Sunday today and of course there are snack foods and dessert served. Nothing healthy. I did indulge I'm sorry to say but in small portions at least.
    Way to go again Queen Kbranch!!!! Who will dethrone the Queen????
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Way to go, everyone! Let's all keep going strong! I'm going to rest up tomorrow for a full week of tennis, but will keep my eating under control. Cheers to a great week ahead for all of us!
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Check In Sunday Day 14

    Football was horrific, we suck! I did make a platter of: I did eat 2 of each: deviled eggs, cucumber slices, mini celery sticks, peppers, riblets, moz/basil/tom, nuggets, and potato skins). I did have 2 gluten free beers between 11am-6pm. Redskins stunk so wasn't into it.

    No work out, just relaxing all day long. Dinner, we had a bowl of cereal (I don't eat cereal and since I was eating a crapLOADofCarbs, I bought us a box of cereal and we had it for dinner :)

    I'm not worried or mad at myself. I actually wasn't turned on by the free for all and the loaded carbs didn't fill me like my typical protein/fat does.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in - Day 15 Monday

    Completed P90X3 – Accelerator, was able to keep up on some moves and struggled with others but, getting stronger.
    Nutrition: Back on track, good day!

    Kathynk – Great idea about drinking between each bite!

    Mommabeare – Sorry about your football, tennis is much better, lol Sounds like your body is changing and adjusting so good for you! Keep kicking butt!

    The 3rd week is usually the hardest so keep pushing forward! Do your best and forget the rest!

    Day 4 - weekly 7

    ** Don’t forget to tally your points for the day/week to see who will be the next queen!
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Hello, Queen Bam here. I'm continuing to workout and will take a break Thursday. Eating is under control, I've just been under 1600 gross calories (before exercise) for a couple of days.

    Looks like we had a good weekend but a treat is okay. So don't get down there's always another day to do something positive.

    D4 -W8
    (I had week week 32 yesterday but it should have been 4 as it was a new week)
    Week 3

    We love to hear from some others!
  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Monday check in! Today was a rough one. I ate too many carbs and was over on my calories. I got in a good amount of steps though! I had my second visit at the chiropractor and my arm has been having muscle spasms since I got home. That's fun! lol hopefully that means it's working!
  • lschreiber78
    lschreiber78 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone! My friend Kim just joined the group! She's awesome! I've been showing her how to log her food and workouts! I really feel like this is helping me make better choices, snack less and plan more exercise! Played tennis tonight! Super fun! Playing twice tomorrow! I hope everyone had a great day!
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Mon. Day 15
    Can't report any workout today BUT day's not over so I will try to get some exercise in at home before I hit the hay. I'll report in tomorrow if it got done. It's amazing how I can manage to eat more calories when I don't work out as compared when I do. That should tell me something.
    shawna, wow you go girl. Very impressive.

    Day 3 weekly 5
  • jorange88
    jorange88 Posts: 36 Member
    Good morning, yesterday I implemented my free day since going cold turkey just aint cutting it. I wasn't to bad but did cheated on my day off. Do plan to jump right back on the wagon today.
    Have a blessed day everyone
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey!! This group is wonderful. I'm inspired and pushing forward. Trying to do a cardio activity every day and watching my food. Also drinking lots of water. Btw my team won yesterday so football was very good for me Sunday.
  • jorange88
    jorange88 Posts: 36 Member
    Today I did circuit training for 30min. Didnt get much steps in but I'm ok with that. Under calorie budget and maintained to resist my mom's bunt cake. All in all a good day.
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Good evening. I want to this gym this morning at 5:30 and did 45 min of strength training. I went to the gym on my way home (Arrowhead Mountainside) and did 50 min of cardio. Ate under goal. Need to drink water like I've done the last two days. Sometimes I forget at work.
    Tomorrow I have singles practice.

    Way to go CrazyChicken! Really giving the third week hell! And to my tennis junkies, still swinging away! Jorange (and others), I'm sure you'll do just fine. Incorporate small changes, ones you'll stick to. You'll find the right ones.

    D4, W12
    Week 3
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 16 Tuesday

    Played tennis – 1 hr of drills & 1 hr of playing. Completed P90X3 Yoga
    Nutrition – okay, little over calories, I really wanted a glass of wine so I had a skinny-cow instead.

    Day 3 – week 10

    Kbranch – What can I say, you’re the Queen, Keep kicking butt!

    Giglqueen – sounds like your pushing forward, we’ll all have bad days but, your still moving and grooving! So good for you, congrats!

    Shawna – 10 lbs is awesome!!!! You should be very proud of yourself, you’re sticking to your plan and it’s paying off! Sweet!

    Lschreiber – Awesome that your inspiring your friends, love to have her! You’re working hard and it will show, keep up the great job!

    Kathy – Funny, I’m the same way! If I don’t workout, I’m always hungry or I think I am. I know you'll do great the next day!

    Jorange – I think when you’re on a nutrition plan, you should allow yourself treat days! If you’re pushing hard all week long, one treat meal isn’t going to hurt anything in fact it might keep you pushing hard during the week. Sounds like the next day you are back on track! Nice one!

    Crazychic – So glad to hear you’re pushing forward, it definitely helps to have others on the same journey.

    You all rock!!!!

  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Can somebody turn off the dang heat outside?
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Sounds like everyone has really stayed on top of their nutrition and exercise today. I was still sleeping at 5:30 this morning kbranch. I am impressed and then you went to work all day and worked out after!!!!!! I think retirement has made me lazy but enjoying it. I was on the tennis court for a couple of hours followed by walking on the treadmill at the fitness center. Under calorie count today even with going out for lunch. Made better choices. Planned and prepared my meal for tomorrow tonight.
    daily 4 weekly 9
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Check In Day 16 Tuesday September 12th

    As I've transitioned out of ketogenics and into high protein, low carbs. I took another day off to make sure my chest has recovered from tennis. I did weights at home (yesterday).

    I went upstairs into the craft room and got lost for a long time... doing scrapbooking, missed am snack, lunch, and finally around 3pm I ate lunch. I had 2 deviled eggs, celery, and an awesome piece of salmon pan fried in my cast iron, so I can make sure I'm always getting iron :)
    Every morning, I am faithful with my Vitamin D and 365mg aspirin. At night, I take my 6: omega, calcium citrate, b12, multivitamin, alpha lipoic acid, and cro/mag/zinc. I stay on top of my vitamin d because it can really make you fatigue if you're Vit D is low. I buy my vitamins from Freeda, they are clean, kosher, gluten free, and don't have all the crap in them. I have been buying them there for 10 plus years.

    Tomorrow is a weigh in day and we'll see how it goes. I will be 9 weeks post op.

    Night all! Congrats @shawna_25 10 pounds is a lot, you'll appreciate it more when you lift a 10 pound weight!
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    mommaberar - you are really into doing it the right way and getting the heart and body strong the right way. Slow and steady is the right road to take. Stay on the course!
    Let's do it pushing forward!!!! Looks like kbranch is going to get her wish with some cooler (90's?) weather soon. Breakfast was good. Bring it on hump day!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Found this article and loved it!!!! So many of the things stated below fit our journey now. :)

    "You can only lose what you cling to" – Buddha

    I want you to think of an area where you are selling yourself short right now. Where do you tell yourself you can’t achieve a goal that would really make a difference in your life? Breathe. Pause. Reflect. I want you to visualize the negative words as balloons and you are now releasing them to the sky.

    I am going to show you eight practices that you can put in place right now that will really help you make that shift from can’t to can. All you need to do is believe.

    1) Become an observer of your thoughts. I get it. It’s a tough time, but before you share someone’s opinion or post a status using the words in absolutes, think about if you believe it. You are reinforcing an absolute behavior.

    2) Instead of letting your thoughts and emotions run away with you, start to observe if what you are telling yourself is even true, and whether it is yours. Is it old karmic nonsense that you just have on autopilot playing in your head? Was it passed down?

    3) Change your morning routine to include a positive affirmation: I am healing. I am living a life filled with abundance. You get to be in charge of the positives here.

    4) Remember Winnie the Pooh? How Eeyore acted? Be an observer not only of your thoughts, but of what energy you are putting out there. Are you attracting more negative?

    5) Appreciate the good in your life and celebrate the achievements. Small steps are better than none taken. As Mother Teresa said: “Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”

    6) I am a big believer in the science of brain-based healing. Studies have shown that thoughts alone can actually improve vision, fitness and strength. Brain chemistry and circuitry are constantly being re-wired as we shift to better thoughts.

    7) When people consciously practice gratitude, they get a surge of rewarding neurotransmitters, like dopamine, and experience more illumination of the mind. If you don’t believe me, practice a gratitude ritual for 30 days and see how your life has changed in that time. It really changes your stress level.

    8) I have seen epigenetics work in my own life. That means I am speaking to my genes with every thought I have. This is the part that might seem crazy, but the truth is that your biology doesn’t give you a reason to give up the fight. Epigenetics is showing that you really can change the way your body reacts and responds. Essentially, how genes are read by cells is actually changed by who you interact with and how you think and respond to life. It’s pretty powerful research.

    Just remember, some of the things you are saying to yourself are probably not even your own thoughts and stories. They are things that you have been told over your life, and it’s time to let that go and step into who you were really meant to be.