

  • what americans? where are they? most people i know want REAL food, real animals, no hormones, no additives, they want vegetables grown with no pesticides & with organic methods ... so many people i know hunt & have gardens & can their vegies & do whatever they can NOT to buy the corporate packaged emptiness you find in…
  • you can add me as a friend, i would be happy to support you, i need the support too ... i can't get off the 150 mark no matter what i do. i stopped doing the daily check-in with mfp because i got so depressed with never losing a pound & trying so hard. the last few weeks have been an orgy of carbs & sugar & beer &…
  • i'm a beer drinker LOL so i'm sunk ... but i really love vodka & club soda. it's a great drink, especially in the summer ... really light & refreshing. add a wedge of lemon or lime to it. depending on the size of the drink & the amount of vodka in it, there's generally less than 100 calories per drink ... but that kind of…
  • I warm up after I eat. I would say that I'm going through menopause & that's the reason, but I have always been like this...I thought that I get warm because my body is burning the food & it warms me up (always made sense to me) ... reading the other explanations though, gave me pause ... the thyroid explanation makes the…
  • i don't use much oil at all...i never deep fry & when i pan fry/saute, i use a butter/olive oil mix. i once had a MAJOR argument with my now-ex boyfriend about how much oil was needed to fry perch & he wanted way too much oil & he ruined a good pan of fish... i tend to use the least amount of oil, salt, sugar that i need…
  • brush your teeth & floss & use mouth wash after every meal & every snack. WITHOUT FAIL. it makes a huge difference. you won't want to eat as much, simply because you've been brushing your teeth & your mouth is going to be much fresher, all the time. & drink lots & lots of water. carry water with you everywhere you go.…
  • How often do you weigh yourselves? Every day? Once a week?
  • Hi, I never eat packaged/processed foods, I get migraines & most packaged foods are prepared with preservatives & they cause migraines. Seasoning mixes, those yummy Better Crocker scalloped potatoes, I stay away from all that stuff now. There's lots of things I used to eat that I stay away from now, just because of getting…
  • Hi, you can add me, I want to meet friends who will be supportive & with whom I can offer support... I want to lose at least 10lb, I've lost 10 since this summer (my profile pic) but I still have clothes that are too tight to be comfortable...I'm glad Beckyrae invited me here, it has really motivated me. Look forward to…
  • Be sure to stretch before you work out. & take things slow...cardio one day, strength training the next day, back & forth. You are less likely to injure yourself that way. But doesn't the soreness feel good? Like you're getting somewhere. Good luck!