

  • Best advice I can give a fellow vet: What kept you in shape while serving may not necessarily work in civilian life. You may need to significantly modify your exercise habits and food consumption. The discipline will help, but perhaps you'll find more success with weight training or other exercise styles. Expand beyond the…
  • Pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. All day, every day.
  • In all fairness, the timing thing about eating is a myth. There have been proponents of this idea for a while, but the initials after the proponents name don't change the science. Check out Intermittent fasting. Its not for me but it is not itself bad.
  • It looks like your hitting your calorie goals, and your protein intake is ranging between 50-110 per day with an average around 85g per day. That's about 25-30% of your calories per day. Seems right on and I wouldn't worry about it. In fact keep I'd try and keep it closer to the 100 mark than the 50 your MFP suggests.
  • The eating after 8 thing is a myth. If you have hit a plateau that you cant seem to break, then just lay off a few weeks and eat at maintenance. Dieting of any type will cause your thyroid to "fight back" a bit against the weight loss. Taking a two-three week break will let you reset a little and then you can get back to…
  • What kind of time frame? It seems like you aren't looking to lose a ton or anything. Weight loss is slower the smaller and leaner you are. Basically, how long have you been at it, what's your approximate body fat % and how long do you expect it to take to get there?
  • Your journal isn't public, so I can't see what your protein limit is, but most people don't get enough protein. A good rule of thumb is 1g per lb of lean body mass. Your lbm is your weight subtracted from you total body fat. Before you worry about too much protein, make sure your intake is enough to support maintaining…
  • From quick checking around, Probese seems to be mostly vitamins and Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose, which appears to be used as a thickening agent in food. Can't seem to find much about side effects, but my guess is that a multi +fiber supplement would accomplish basically the same thing. hydrxytryptophan seems to be a…
  • ^Yep this is great stuff. Don't know really anything about this cla stuff. However, I would be very skeptical of any product that claims it”targets” one form of fat over the others. Spot reduction is generally impossible.
    in CLA Comment by Dahavol February 2012
  • The reports of this way of thinking's demise were have been greatly exaggerated. Still hear that one daily.
  • Fair point. However, some use of the real terms can help a person to gain a level of nutritional literacy. That helps for many reasons, not the least of which is that they are better equipped to evaluate the various info for themselves.
  • This is a pretty good thread title. Beer is usually my biggest solution. As far as help with the beer thing goes, try straight hard liqour. Esp something like gin or vodka. Much better bang for your calorie than most beers. Cutting back some also.works, but that's kinda a duh type statement that I'm sure you've already…
  • Or the "two day poop like a rabbit" diet
  • This is not really true as its written. Any carbs "cheated" will actually quickly find itself converted to glycogen and rushed to the muscles to replace the much more inefficient food of fatty acids. The fat that is already a large part of the diet will then be stored. The increase in muscle glycogen will lead to…
  • This is absolutely incorrect. Atkins says don't count calories not as a way to help weight loss but as a way to sell people on the program. Most people that switch from eating 50% or more of their calories from carbs to eating far more protein and fat find themselves fuller on less food. Protein and fats tend to be more…
  • Although there are also disadvantages to higher protein diets. For example, constipation is a common side effect. There is no one size fits all solution. All diets have good aspects and bad aspects. Some people find some of the drawbacks of one to be intolerable, while others find it to be a minor inconveinance. Its all…
  • Low carb or low fat, there really is no speed advantage to one over the other when calories are the same. However, some people find that the low carb feels better and is therefore easier, and some find it terrible. Also note that ketosis is not really a desired end state, and is rather a by product of low carbs. You can…
  • Yeah, they're good catch alls. Don't expect to start feeling like superwoman tomorrow because you got your vitamins. However, you are less likely to get scurvy, so on the whole not a bad thing.
  • salsa, amazing calorie to taste ratio.
  • What exactly are several different supplements for your immune system? Are we talking garden variety echenaia here, or prescription strength meds with major dietary side effects?
  • Depending on how tall you are and how the elliptical is set up, you might be having issues with stride length. Taller guys on gym machines that are set for everyone, can be forced to move at a stride that is far shorter than their natural gait. I know some people that find that this really messes with their knees, ankles,…
  • The beef and broccoli can be alright as long as it isn't pan fried with tons of oil. Otherwise, just stick with green veggies, lean meats and cool it on the rice or noodle intake and it won't be too bad.
  • As you are a former athlete, you are unlikely to add much muscle in caloric deficit. However, strength training will help maintain your current muscle mass while you diet and that will help with keeping your losses to fat losses. Most people that think they are gaining muscle and losing fat are in fact losing fat and…
  • Yeah I saw that too. Not exactly right, but on the whole the article does a much better job of being less alarmist about its conclusions than most that advocate against large deficits and ketoisis.
  • Very interesting article on the weight loss plateau. A lot of the article is very consistent, but its overall conclusion seems a little off. It shows an example of when people hit plateau's after large caloric deficits, they should eat less deficit and then will break through the plateau. That seems reasonable and pretty…
  • This is much better. I was just pointing out that as a repeatable scientific phenomenon the evidence is just not there for its existence in the general population. There are conditions that cause issues with lower calorie diets. Yours seems to be a shining example of such a situation. This does not mean that there is such…
  • Thus proving that it will with everyone.
  • Probably this especially with the other symptom. If it continues for an extended period of time, probably time to go talk to a doc. Otherwise it could just be something that didn't agree with you and the body shot it out. Good article by the way.
    in poop Comment by Dahavol February 2012
  • Oh and I wouldn't worry too much on color unless it is blood red or dark and tar like, all of which could be signals of internal bleeding.
    in poop Comment by Dahavol February 2012
  • I'm no expert by any means, but are you eating a lot of green veggies? Green ruffage (spinach, romaine, broccali, etc.) leads to green poop. There are of course other possible explanations, but this one seems to be the most obvious.
    in poop Comment by Dahavol February 2012