Plateau...please help

Feel free to look at my diary to see what I am dioing wrong...I have been doing my best to stay at or around 1400 cals a day, burning anywhere from 400, 700 or 900 a day on the highest intensity on the elliptical. For the past few weeks I have fluctuated between 170-175 pounds, going as low as 170.2 pounds but I can't seem to see 169 on that scale. Granted it was my birthday a few weeks ago, and I have been slipping up on my eating a bit. I had a cheat day on my birthday and ate lasagna, cheesecake, etc. I have eaten fast food here and there. maybe an extra container of yogurt. But I am burning so many calories it shouldn't matter right? It seems like If I go over on my cals at all the scale goes up.

Is my eating after 8 doing it? I always though that was a myth. I want to be 165 by the time I visit my parents in CO for Spring Break, but am starting to get upset. Tips please?


  • rkennedy39
    rkennedy39 Posts: 12 Member
    I looked at your Diary and I would limit the sodium intake. I had the same problem back in November and December. My weight stayed the same. although I did lose inches/. But when I looked at my Diary I realized my sodium was high. So I cut it down to 1500mg per day. Once I did that, I saw a 9 pound loss in January.
  • The eating after 8 thing is a myth. If you have hit a plateau that you cant seem to break, then just lay off a few weeks and eat at maintenance. Dieting of any type will cause your thyroid to "fight back" a bit against the weight loss. Taking a two-three week break will let you reset a little and then you can get back to it. It looks like you're halfway anyway, its a good time to take a rest from dieting. Just make sure that you don't over eat or you'll regain weight. In fact its a great time to test out your ability to eat in a post-diet environment. If you mess it up for a couple of weeks it won't be that bad.
  • sundropc14
    sundropc14 Posts: 37 Member
    are you drinking water and not logging it. cuz you dont show much water intake.
  • staroftheeast
    staroftheeast Posts: 70 Member
    It appears there are many days when your NET calories are between 600 -800. I am thinking that's not enough to fuel your body. Your body may be trying to compensate by holding on to everything. I would suggest you either up your calories or eat back at least enough calories to NET at least 1200-1400 each day. I am thinking closer to 1400 since you were losing at 1400. Also, I see little or no water logged. Try to make sure you are getting enough water so you don't get dehydrated with all that exercise.
    Please don't get too hung up on scale numbers, especially if you tie them to deadlines. Yes, we all like to see them move but some times it's a slow process. Jusr because we don't meet a particular deadline doesn't negate all the progress we make. You're continuing to learn & live a healthy lifestyle which is the most important thing, I think.
    Good luck.