

  • Search online for greek receipes with egg plant. Some are the best. Egglplant needs to be sliced put in colondar, salted between each layer and then rinse off and pat dry after about 1 hour. There are many ways to cook it. I cook it like green fried tomatoes and they are wonderful. Good luck. Greek receipes are the best.
  • You can do it. It is a life style change and you have to just work on it everyday.
    in New member Comment by Lee1957 July 2011
  • I considered the surgery, but the thing that bothered me is that I would need to pay someone thousands of dollars to control my eating, when I should be able to do it myself. I understand that when we are overweight we want a solution that gets us there. The friends that I know that have had it, still continue to eat the…
  • Taco, I have plantar fasciitis. Let me tell you I know the pain. I have lost 31 pounds and my pain has gone for a while. I buy the soles insoles. They are expensive arounddd 40.00 dollars but they are great and last along time. I have a pair of nikes, but I bought in the men's sizes because they seem to be more sturdy than…
  • Oh my......
  • Congrats. I have been on for 50 days and have lost 23 pounds. I am probably eating a higher calorie intake at 1840 but want to do it slowly so that i will keep it off. I want to learn to eat right for a change. I did feel good a couple of days ago because the counting calories is helping me see serving sizes and when I…
    in Hello Comment by Lee1957 April 2011
  • I am right there will you bored as can be with salad. I did have a pretty good dinner one night it was chicken breast cooked in pan. After it was cooked, put in bell peppers, scallions, black beans rinsed and drained and some chunky salsa.. a slice of avacado on the side... yes a salad. It sounds weird but it was pretty…
  • I weigh once a week. It was really hard for me to buy a scale. I haven't had one in my house in years which is probably why I got fatter and fatter. I feel like once a week is enough to keep me on track. The logging on mfp has really helped me realize how many calories food that I eat is. No wonder I am overweight. I am so…
  • I am not sure about eating the exercise calories back. I am type 2 diabetic and mfp has me at 1940 calories but went to 1890 as I have to maintain my glucose levels and even 1840 seems to much with my sugar. I usually have extra calories each day. Hope some one can help me understand. I don't exercise a lot just a couple…
  • You just keep on keeping on. That is all that we can do. If each day we make some progress it will happen. I hope everything turns out ok
  • I have struggled my whole life with weight. My mother didn't mean it but when something happened she would say here is a cookie or piece of pie etc you will feel better. Well with the ups and downs of everyday life I eat the cookie or cake and didn't watch what I ate. Have grandsons with parents that are very minimal. I am…
  • Ok I am in, but I am still not familiar with MFP. Where will I find this message every week since new ones are added each week. Is there a way to link it to my profile or something so I can keep doing this. I am type 2 diabetic and I ust have to get this weight off. I am tired of medicatiion. I have lost some weight but…
  • thanks, quick cooking would probably be better than instant
    in Oatmeal Comment by Lee1957 March 2011
  • This is awesome. I love oatmeal but i work and drive an hour and a half to work I leave at 6 in the morning so I end up with a package of instant oatmeal yogurt etc. Do you know of any way to make these receipes last for a couple of days. I would think that oatmeal cooked and stored in refrigerator would taste bad after a…
    in Oatmeal Comment by Lee1957 March 2011
  • thanks tammy. I am new to this and trying to keep it up. How long have you been doing this? I put in the wrong weight and it made me look like I lost 16 lbs and I don't know how to change it. Hope you are successful. I sure and learing how many calories things are. It is amazing>
  • You are awesome to tell me all of this. I would expect if I am gaining weight I am doing something wrong, but right now I am trying to log in everyday and put in food diary so i get an idea of what I am eating. I felt good today went to a staffing at work...lined up on the table were strawberry creamcheese pound cake,…
  • I start right off the bat no warm up and it keeps getting more intense for me because so overweight. I am really confused how to do this stuff.
  • thanks so much, do you put in the 15 minutes also.
  • I believe it is considered a free food.
    in celery? Comment by Lee1957 February 2011
  • Peggy not sure how to use the application but if you need someone let me know. I have mobile app but still don't know how to use anything. Any help would be great. thanks
  • Hi Peggy, I am new I posted an introduction but cant see it. Just started today. I am 53 and type 2 and man I have to lose weight. I am mom for two grandson 8 and 7 so I have to stick around till they grow up Here for you