genielross Member


  • I just finished week 6 day 3, a 25 minute solid run. I love the program! When I first started I was sore after every run/walk, but it gets better. Make sure you have at least 1 if not 2 rest days between runs. You can add me if you like!
    in C25k Comment by genielross May 2011
  • I found brown jasmine rice at Trader Joe's the other day. It is really good.
  • I run in my neighborhood. Once i start running running the 20 minutes I will probably go to the high school track.
  • Wii Sport, EA Active series, The Biggest Loser, are some of them.
    in Wii? Comment by genielross April 2011
  • I just finished week 2, good luck!
  • I haven't done the workouts for the last 2 days, I have stepped wrong at my sons baseball game the other day and the top of my foot is really sore. When I try and do squats or anything were your foot is bent I want to cry. I did do my 20 minute boxing work out today, not alot of foot action. I am hoping I can run tomorrow,…
  • I use this website for approximate calories burned.
  • EA Active 2 is awesome, I am currently on medium stage. It kicks my butt. I love having the HRM built into the arm sensor. When you buy it you get the game, the resistance band, the 2 sensors. Everything you need to start with for around $60. I have the Wii board and that is great for the step aerobics, I set up my own…
  • Wii Fit and EA Active 2 are great. I also have the other 2 EA Active games, they are good as well. I like the Active 2 because it has a heart rate monitor. i have heard the Wii Zamba is good, I have tried it yet.
    in Wii Comment by genielross April 2011
  • The BMI high is 159 so I am shooting for that or a little less.
  • Great! I added you as a friend. I work out most of the time in the mornings. I am in sales so it depends on my schedule, I also work from home so that helps. I also am training for a 5k run at the end of May. I use couch to 5k it is pretty awesome. I think the exercise I hate the worst is Mountain Climbers, last time I had…
  • I am using it! I am only on day 4 I think. Let me know if you want to keep each other motivated.
  • I have been on SBD for about 3 months. Phase 1 was hard, no carbs at all. Now that I am in Phase 2 it is really just about learning to eat correctly. No I cant have some of the foods I had before but I have found new ones. It really is a lifestyle change, I think I could eat this way for ever. I am never hungry and for the…
  • I have been on the South Beach diet for the last 2 months, I have lost 18 pounds. It is more of a lifestyle than a diet. The first couple days on Phase 1 I got really bad headaches, changing what food you eat will do it. After that, it is just making sure you don't get bored. I have all their cookbooks and have a lot of…
  • Check out this site..... I have the same problem with throwing hay bales and mucking stalls.... :)
  • Hi~ Feel free to add me, I feel I have been on a diet since my kids were born, they are 12 & 14. I have decided not to call this a diet but a life style change.
  • I shop both stores, having a child with Autism and ADHD, they do not use any artificial food coloring in any of their foods. I love being able to go into the store and not have to worry about what I am feeding my kids. Bananas are only $0.19 each at Trader Joe's, that works to about $0.43 a lb.
  • I am starting week 1 this weekend. I am a little scared but would like to be able to run a 5K for my birthday. Any tips?
  • I love Ea Active 2. I do the preset work outs 4 days a week and than have made my own custom workouts for the other 3 days.
    in Wii! Comment by genielross March 2011