

  • My co-workers all eat York Peppermint Patties (the mini ones), as they are lower in calories than other chocolate options. Plus, they're delicious.
  • Also try adding nutritional yeast to things like air popped popcorn. It has a lot of protein, and it tastes yummy, AND it's vegan!
    in BEANS! Comment by MarcelaBella June 2011
  • What about a Tbsp. of almond butter, accompanied by fresh fruit and plain yogurt. Agave nectar or honey might be better sweeteners than processed sugar.
  • This is fun! I said no to: *eating the other half of a dark chocolate bar *gluten free vanilla cheesecake *chai latte *taking a nap (went for a walk instead)
  • Losing a lb. a week is ideal. Keep it up! Some helpful tips: 1) drink at least 8 glasses of water, but try for 9 or 10 a day, 2) try to eat a carb/protein/fat at every meal to help you burn calories better, 3) eat close to 400 calories per meal and for want to be close to your calorie limit (just slightly…
  • Eating chocolate is fine every now and then. I try to have it once or twice a week, which is a lot better than everyday. I eat it w/friends, so that a bar becomes 1/3 of a bar for me and the rest for them...less calories, less guilt, and my friends always love it. :)
  • I mix them in my yogurt w/fruit. One thing I know it helps me with is to regulate blood sugar levels, so I don't feel a sugar high and then crash.
  • Do you eat eggs? Also, try putting brewer's yeast on popcorn. The only way I get enough protein in my diet is either with eggs or egg whites, or with brewer's yeast. I like olive oil and rosemary with the yeast on popcorn. Yum!
  • You might talk to your doctor to see if you have food allergies/sensitivities. I discovered during a reintroduction of foods period after a cleanse this winter that I'm allergic to soy, which causes my face, stomach and fingers to swell (rings are hard to get off), as well as pain in my right hip and feet...weird, but it's…
  • Another helpful tip is to keep meals to around 400 calories each, and always eat a fat/carb/protein each meal to help your body burn the calories better. Best!
  • I wasn't losing anything for the longest time. Since Jan. 1st, I've been slowing shedding the pounds...thank goodness! I keep calories between 1200 and 1500 a day, and occasionally go over up to 1850, but only if I exercise and burn off some of those extra calories. It is important to stay active, but to also get around…