JenniferRT66 Member


  • He likely meant shifted his body composition from fat to muscle, not actually converting fat to muscle.
  • I bought this one at Amazon and really like it. It's got a tare weight function, so I never have to mess up the scale. I just put the container on the scale, press a button to zero it out, then add my food. Not expensive either.
  • That's about when I get up and work out too!! I need time to wake up before I work out, so I usually read for a little until 5:15/5:30 - then work out for an hour or so.
  • What she said - those are my thoughts exactly. You're on the right track!
  • For me it's GOOOOOOOAL JENNIFER! Not sure what that means. I don't play soccer, does it want me to score a goal? Does it want me to achieve my fitness goals? If so, just elongating the word goal instead of making an affirmative command seems odd! If it said GOOOOOOOO JENNIFER! that would make more sense. But it's…
  • Believe it or not, Bolthouse Farms has a coffee drink called Mocha Cappuccino. It used to be sweetened with apple juice! You never even tasted the apple juice. As a cold iced coffee drink, I drank it all the time. I noticed in May 2011 that they started sweetening it with cane sugar and agave nectar. I have no idea why…
  • I'm 5' 1.75", started at 164, now I'm about 121, which I have been maintaining for a few months. I don't really have a goal weight in mind at the moment; instead I'm thinking more about body composition. I'd like to burn some last lingering belly fat and add some muscle mass. I'm not going to totally eliminate cardio,…
  • I do step aerobics and love it. I have to watch anything that is too high impact on my knees. I don't have a major knee problem, but they do get achy sometimes. I can do some jogging though, so I will alternate walking / jogging. But for more high calorie fat burning, I tend to do the step aerobics. Guess I'm old school.…
  • If you are staying in a hotel with a fitness room, use that. I have had good luck on my past several trips to stay in places (through Hotwire) with treadmills, elliptical machines, etc. Or walk, run, etc. Keep tracking the food and make the best possible choices you can. Good luck and have a good trip!
  • I have a Fitbit Ultra, and saw absolutely nothing wrong with LilacDreamer's comments - I didn't detect any rudeness or mean-spirited "tome" at all. It's true, it is a fact, that the Fitbit isn't a HRM. However, it's a very cool activity tracker, measuring steps, speed, distance, calories burned, and floors climbed. I have…
  • It'll be killing your brain like a poisonous mushroom...deadly!
  • This mildly germophobic person is listening to the anxiety-producing, incessant, congested hacking of the very sick guy in the cubicle next to mine, that I wish stayed home. Everytime he leaves said cube, the sound is that of the spraying of the can of Lysol I ducked out to purchase, hopefully creating protective shield…
  • I thought it was a joke also, sorry! I'm not usually into football, but this year the Super Bowl was a HUGE deal for us in Indianapolis, the city that hosted the event. It was a fun time!!
  • I agree with everyone to talk to your doctor about any exercise. I am an avid Leslie Sansone Walk at Home fan, and her DVDs are not inherently high impact, such as Tae Bo, Zumba, etc. They are primarily low impact, but as another said, depending upon the DVD, she does "boosts" where it's mild jogging, and that is more…
  • I just made this recipe on Monday and it was awesome!! Ricotta With Balsamic Berries at the Food Network:
  • I don't know the answer, but I am posting to add that I also have the same problem. It was fine up until a few days ago...maybe Monday. It has not worked since, so it isn't just me!