What is The Super Bowl?



  • JenniferRT66
    JenniferRT66 Posts: 16 Member
    I thought it was a joke also, sorry! I'm not usually into football, but this year the Super Bowl was a HUGE deal for us in Indianapolis, the city that hosted the event. It was a fun time!!
  • tataliciousd89
    And LOTS of beer.
  • cediyam
    cediyam Posts: 181 Member
    Is it some kind of eating competition? I'm guessing from the name that it involves very large quantities of food?

    I think a lot of us forget that not everyone on this site is from the United States. Here is a link that might help http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl
  • latinqueencee
    latinqueencee Posts: 120 Member
    Super Bowl is when 2 football teams that have played through out the season and have won the playoffs play against each other. This year was the NY Giants and New England Patriots, It's a day where everyone pigs out on wings, heros,pizza, and all other types of crappy but delicious foods, and you drink lots of beer. Big deal for us Americans. At half time, some well known artist, in this case Madonna, performs. After the halftime performance the game continues until a team wins.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    It's an event where non-achievers gather and worship those engaged in a sport they could never dream of playing well.
    People with little going on in their life escape their misery and self-loathing by watching others succeed, pretending the success of their chosen team is connected somehow to their lowly existence.

    Go Giants!
    Anyway, my life has meaning for another year....
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    So does nobody actually know what it is? I've just seen lots of posts by people saying how it effected their dieting recently? It must be a fairly big food event.

    dude, i thought you were kidding. its the championship game for american rules football. it is a non-official holiday here in the united states. ppl get together to watch it and eat and drink a lot.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    So does nobody actually know what it is? I've just seen lots of posts by people saying how it effected their dieting recently? It must be a fairly big food event.

    dude, i thought you were kidding. its the championship game for american rules football. it is a non-official holiday here in the united states. ppl get together to watch it and eat and drink a lot.

    I think OP is kidding, that seems like a British sense of humour to me :laugh:
  • Sassi50
    Sassi50 Posts: 67 Member
    IIt is the championship game for the National Football League. It is an American tradition, although we Canadians do enjoy it as well. Typically it involves a million hours of pre-pre game, pre-game, game and post game commentary, interwoven with a billion dollars worth of commercials that focus on (in no particular order) cars, beer, subs, tortilla chips and websites. And part way through the game there is a mini concert. This year it was Madonna proving that she can still lipsync but not dance!!!!

    Hope this helps (and by the way, the New York Giants won and left Tom Brady and his celeb-status in the dust!!!)

    So does nobody actually know what it is? I've just seen lots of posts by people saying how it effected their dieting recently? It must be a fairly big food event.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    something to do with madonna?

    Now that IS a bowel movement...........

    Lets see you do a cartwheel on stairs!!! She is 52, most cant do it at 12.