Celebrating Weight Loss When You're Still Over 300 lbs?



  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm feeling very strange and down today.

    I'm still losing a couple pounds every week, my measurements have come down, and I can wear smaller clothes now. I was riding a high of posting some comparison pictures and talking about it in my blog. I felt awesome.

    Suddenly, today, I woke up with this feeling of, "Are you seriously bragging about weighing 319 pounds?" and crashed down.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm extremely proud of my loss. The amount I've lost is definitely something to celebrate. It's the *weight* I'm celebrating that bothers me. I realize 319 is better than 356, but it's still over 300 pounds, it's still "morbidly obese", and it's still a competely undesirable weight for 99% of the population.

    So now I feel kind of stupid, dancing around and proclaiming to the world that I'm 319 pounds.

    Does anyone else feel this way sometimes? If I saw a friend celebrating a weight loss, I'd feel happy for them *regardless* of what they weigh (a loss is a loss), but now I'm feeling sort of self-conscious about celebrating since I'm still so heavy.

    Someone smack some sense into me. Please. :)

    You're not celebrating being morbidly obese or being over 300lbs. You're celebrating the success you've had thus far, and that you're that much closer to NOT being morbidly obese. Stop discounting what you've accomplished just because it isn't as much as you still have left to do. Go pick up a 40lb weight and carry it around for a while. I'm betting you'll get worn out pretty quickly. That's how much less weight you're carrying than you were when you started. THAT'S what you're celebrating and you have every reason to.
  • tinydancer4
    tinydancer4 Posts: 114 Member
    Reading your post made me feel sad! Please don't feel down, you are doing amazingly well. Just keep going and celebrating the little wins along the way.

    I always think it helps to compare your loss to something real, so it's not just a number. You were carrying 37lbs - that's a the equivalent of carrying a small child on your back everywhere you went!
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member

    You have every right to celebrate!!
  • jrbb03092
    jrbb03092 Posts: 198 Member
    You should definitely be celebrating. Way to go!
  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member
    Celebrate!!!! every pound lost is an achievement.
  • Nettabee
    Nettabee Posts: 296 Member
    I'm over 300lbs also but just as another poster said:
    But that's not going to stop me from celebrating the little wins every week. Because the weeks add up..............And I am going to celebrate every damn step of the way.

  • bigdeeman
    bigdeeman Posts: 4 Member
    You are not celebrating the weight, celebrate the lost weight. I started at 405 and now I weigh 305. I am 100 pounds less than I was 9 months ago. Celebrate the lost weight and keep up the good work:happy:
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    Honey, celebrate away! You are working hard for those pounds and you deserve to be happy and proud about it! Right after my son was born I weighed 345 and when I got down to 315 damn if I didn't celebrate, since then I have gotten down to 263 and boy I am dancing around all over the place now. Even to the point to where I am always in the first row of my Zumba class right up there with the instructor! Yes, there are somedays when I ask myself what am I doing, I am the biggest one in my class and I am shaking my fat all around for everyone to see. But you know what, I am proud of the weight I lost and my classmates don't seem to mind me in the front either! Feel free to add me for support!!! I know completely where you are coming from, Keep up the fantastic work!!!
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    F uck yes! Celebrate every single ounce! No one deserves it more than you!!
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    I'm slightly over 300 lbs but down a bunch. I celebrate everything and not with food. I make mini goals for shoes and clothes. If I don't celebrate my accomplishments then I embrace the negative and end up back where I was. I've been up and down with my wgt since my late teens... it's time I celebrate that I'm kicking butt and sticking to it!
  • RilantheFirebug
    RilantheFirebug Posts: 207 Member
    I'm hovering at 301 and started higher than you and have celebrated what I've lost. Do I still sometimes have days like that? Yes, and I'm sure we all do -- regardless of size. Just remind yourself how far you've come. :)
  • slboling
    slboling Posts: 117 Member
    I started at 391. Now 91 lbs later, I celebate even 0.1 lbs lost. Be proud of your decision to be healthier and happier.
  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member
    You should certainly feel proud of yourself! I have just about lost 50lbs and yet I have started to feel a bit self conscious just like you. I am still around 70lbs overweight and even though I feel great and look better I know that I can be better. I was celebrating getting back into a size 20 in pants. But I know that most of my friends are much smaller than that. Just remember that you aren't trying to be other people, you are trying to be the best you possible. And each victory should be celebrated and should be used to fuel the next goal. So tell those doubts to take a hike and just keep keeping on. Before you know it you will be at your goal and it will be the sweetest victory of them all!
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Don't just celebrate the weight-loss.

    Celebrate your new life. That's what's REALLY worth celebrating. Your self discovery, your journey, and your new lifestyle are worth celebrating. The weight-loss is just a bonus.

    This is such a great way to think about it, and so true!!!

    I can relate though. Although I never got above 200, hitting 165 was what prompted me to go to Weight Watchers- that weight bothered me because 4 years earlier, I had been only 130ish. Well, that didn't work out and I started MFP two years later at 195. When I got into the 180s, I was stoked, and I was elated again to get into the 170s. Sometimes I think, "what are you so happy about? You're still higher than the weight that prompted you to lose in the first place! You've GAINED 30 POUNDS since starting your so-called 'weight loss.'" Well, what happened happened and I can't change the past. 170 is better than 190, just like 319 is better than 350.

    You are ON YOUR WAY! The fact you've succeed in losing 37 lbs means you CAN succeed in losing more and eventually hitting your goal. Celebrate that you've found that motivation and determination, and celebrate that you have the tools you need to accomplish your goals and become healthier every day! You are doing AWESOME- don't forget it! :flowerforyou:
  • Secondgoround
    I believe in optimism coupled with realism. I'm happy for the accomplishments I've made but I'm ever mindful of where I still need to go. So, I celebrate small victories in a small way. Saving the fireworks for when I get to where I want to be!
  • nataliexxxx
    Youve still lost weight and your doing great so you should celebrate and be happy about this and you should be happy that youre going to lose more:)
  • JenniferRT66
    JenniferRT66 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm feeling very strange and down today.

    I'm still losing a couple pounds every week, my measurements have come down, and I can wear smaller clothes now. I was riding a high of posting some comparison pictures and talking about it in my blog. I felt awesome.

    Suddenly, today, I woke up with this feeling of, "Are you seriously bragging about weighing 319 pounds?" and crashed down.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm extremely proud of my loss. The amount I've lost is definitely something to celebrate. It's the *weight* I'm celebrating that bothers me. I realize 319 is better than 356, but it's still over 300 pounds, it's still "morbidly obese", and it's still a competely undesirable weight for 99% of the population.

    So now I feel kind of stupid, dancing around and proclaiming to the world that I'm 319 pounds.

    Does anyone else feel this way sometimes? If I saw a friend celebrating a weight loss, I'd feel happy for them *regardless* of what they weigh (a loss is a loss), but now I'm feeling sort of self-conscious about celebrating since I'm still so heavy.

    Someone smack some sense into me. Please. :)

    You're not celebrating being morbidly obese or being over 300lbs. You're celebrating the success you've had thus far, and that you're that much closer to NOT being morbidly obese. Stop discounting what you've accomplished just because it isn't as much as you still have left to do. Go pick up a 40lb weight and carry it around for a while. I'm betting you'll get worn out pretty quickly. That's how much less weight you're carrying than you were when you started. THAT'S what you're celebrating and you have every reason to.

    What she said - those are my thoughts exactly. You're on the right track!
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    Wow, you should definitely celebrate, you have done an awesome job! Celebrate your heart out!
  • 1Fizzle
    1Fizzle Posts: 241 Member
    It's a long tough road losing weight...easily the hardest thing I've ever done. If celebrating keeps you moving towards your goal then do it! Just don't stop!
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Yes celebrate!!! One of the worst things about some people and weight loss is that they feel they cannot be happy until they reach a certain goal. That is a lot of your life wasted not being happy. Be proud of your accomplishment and happy about it and use that motivation to go farther!