8sheila8 Member


  • I'm a single parent to a 6 year old girl Kassydi Maye. I'm from Nebraska and work fulltime as a 911 dispatcher/jailer. Job is at times very stressful hince the weight problem but i'm looking for new ways to deal with stress and to lose this weight!. I think being a mommy is a tougher job though! =)
  • it all depends what your on i take welbutron and ambeian and don't see a problem i used to be on serquil and had terrible issues with gaining weight. talk to your Doctor they should be able to tell ya if yours will affect your weight or not. my doctor knows her stuff and switched me when i told her what was up.
  • and i would also like to join. i'm doing the 30day shred challenge as well but told my daughter i would help her get her miles in to get the prize they gotta walk/run 50 miles before school is up in may so it will be fun happy walking.
  • Hey my daughtes school is starting a just run program and with that you can run or walk and on the form it says if you run consitenly for 12 mins to count a mile and walk for 20 mins to cout as a mile. I mean if you can do it in less time that is ok to but this is for the slow people like me hehe.
  • Couldn't get myself up early enough to do it before work so i will do it when i get off work! =) height 5'7 SW 282 03-14-11 CW 273 03-28-11 GW 150 Thigh 26 Calf 18 Arm 15 Waist 49 Bust 49 don't really want to lose much here ive always liked the girls lol Hips 49 Neck 17 good luck to all!
  • count me in. i was planning to start the 30 day shred tmrw anyways. so what a good way to motivate myself! =) i will post my measurments weight tmrw moring. (mondays are my weigh in day). Good luck to all! =)
  • BUMP
    in Water Comment by 8sheila8 March 2011
  • I take a B12 vitamin in the morings and that has seemed to help with energy.