Anyone take Concerta or anti-depressants?

Is it hard to lose weight while you're taking it?


  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I've not had a problem with Fluoxetine.
    Followed calorie counting and exercise and doing OK. Good Luck
  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    ive been taking trazodone since i began this journey and i haven't had a problem.
  • fattybumchum22
    fattybumchum22 Posts: 39 Member
    NO !!!!!!

    Im on quetipine and sertraline!!!! quetipine gives you like a munchie type feelings. i also have an under active thyroid and ive lost a stone since starting MFP i only started the website 2 weeks ago but had the app on my phone since b4 xmas!
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    as far as I was aware, concerta is actually an appetite suppressant.
  • 8sheila8
    8sheila8 Posts: 10 Member
    it all depends what your on i take welbutron and ambeian and don't see a problem i used to be on serquil and had terrible issues with gaining weight. talk to your Doctor they should be able to tell ya if yours will affect your weight or not. my doctor knows her stuff and switched me when i told her what was up.
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    I'm on Celexa, and while I think it had some part in me gaining weight, since I've started MFP and exercising more, I haven't had an issue taking the weight back off.
  • taraleola05
    taraleola05 Posts: 31 Member
    I've gained 30 pounds last year, much of which I blame my 50 mg Zoloft I take every day, as I work out 4-6 days a week for 45 minutes to an hour. I've found it extremely difficult to lose weight on it, but it makes me feel less anxious/depressed, so I'm OK with it! I work with emotionally disturbed kids, and I've noticed weight gain with them with taking some of those meds too. However, weight loss is possible, but you'll have to work at it, as I've found out myself!! Drink lots of water and keep going with MFP calorie goals!! Good luck! :D
  • Nikkerz620
    Nikkerz620 Posts: 212 Member
    I'm on SSRI's and for me I gained over 30lbs and since I've been trying I haven't lost much. It sucks big time! My doctor gave me Welbutrin XL to try to counteract the weight gain and lowered my dosage to see if that woould help. So far there has been no more weight gain which is good but I would really love to lose all that weight I gained.

    My goal for april is to really watch what I put in my mouth and so more cardio in hopes of overcoming the weight side affect.
  • KcFitCoach
    KcFitCoach Posts: 135 Member
    Do you take both Concerta and an anti-depressant? Concerta being a stimulant type ADHD drug should not in anyway inhibit weight loss. If anything, a lot of people abuse these drugs to surpress appetite. My son takes an ADHD drug and we have to really watch his caloric intake to be sure he does not lose weight.

    As far as anti-d's...I take Lexapro and have since 2004 and I have gained/lost several times since then (my own fault that I yo-yo'd...I was trying quick fix AKA stupid diets!). This time, I'm doing it right. Since November been on MFP logging my food and exercising and I have lost about 25 pounds and at last measurement in Feb dropped bodyfat % by 11%.

    I don't think there is really any evidence out there that you cannot lose weight on an anti-d. My doc said for some people anti-d's can kick up carb cravings and also for some people the mood improvement can kick up appetite.