Ithina1 Member


  • Thanks for sharing. Like him, my trainer wanted me to do more movement based things to get weight off quickly. I ended up not getting more sessions with him after I used up all of them. I'd rather do more heavy lifting than circuit training. I know it's slower, but it's a lot more fun. I'd rather enjoy myself along a…
  • I got some of those.. omg are they addicting. I went through a whole bag in 2 days >.< oops. Thanks for the awesome ideas everyone.
  • Oooo, I never would have thought of replacing the bread part of a meat loaf with them. I'm going to try that =)
  • I do a Intermitten Fasting / calorie cycling type thing. Usually on Monday's I'll have 1000 calories remaining. I make up for it later in the week =).
  • Here's an article about the 5:2 Intermittent Fasting I mentioned. Just googling Intermittent Fasting will also bring up results of people who only eat during a certain time of day (e.g. they only eat in the…
  • There are a few calculators out there for TDEE (what you burn on a daily basis). MFP and Fitbit sound like they use different ones. Basically you have to do trial and error to see what your actual TDEE is. Averaging them is a good place to start. You can also check out this page for some more calculators.…
  • I love their chicken. Mmmm. An origional recipe chicken breast is 320 calories with 26g of protein and 2g of fiber. That's awesome :) If you get it grilled, 220 calories for 40g protein!! It can be hard to find protein powder with those numbers. Their crispy chicken Caesar salad without dressing is 330 calories, 29g…
  • I have PCOS too. Losing weight and keeping it off is much harder for us, but it is achievable. Things that have helped me: -I set a reasonable calorie deficit. I eat around 1650 calories a day. I'm 5'2" and 255 lbs. -I aim for foods with a lower glycemic index. When I don't eat low GI foods, I plan for the sugar crash so I…
  • I have a B belly and I'm interested in pics too. So far mine just looks a bit deflated, which seems to exaggerate the fold. :( I imagine once my skin catches up it will shrink down again just fine. I'm hoping the B goes away at some point.
  • Eggs, rice, beans, chicken, cottage cheese, and milk. I too am off to google mason jar salads.
  • Looks good =). I really like it.
  • I think blonde would look lovely on you. I think a darker more natural looking blonde would look best. If you wanted to go platinum I think you could still pull it off. As previously mentioned, it does take a good bit to keep up your hair when you dye it. The lighter you go the more pronounced your roots will be.
  • I once had a doctor insist that I was pregnant. Needless to say, he is no longer my doctor.
  • Mmmm cabbage soup <3. I like to add garlic to everything and I really like oregano, parsley, marjoram, sage and bay leaves in soups. To add some kick, use your favourite hot sauce :).
  • I third this. Calories are what matter for weight loss, not so much where they come from. Paleo may be a tool that helps you stick to your calorie goals. If it does, awesome :). You won't know if it works for you until you try it sadly. Try it for a month and see how it goes. Good luck. I never tried it personally because…
  • I love this thread. OP is one smart cookie.
  • Says the person with ice cream in their pic, rofl. Hehe yeah. 1 lb = 1 lb. I like to try and add the word density to their vocabulary.
  • People telling me what I'm doing is wrong and I need to _________ instead. You can keep your clean food, midnight snacks are the bomb--especially if they consist of pizza or ice cream, I will not drink 16oz of water when I'm hungry, lifting weights will not inhibit my fat loss, lifting will not make me bulky--and even if…
  • I have dinner. Something with protein and some carbs is ideal.
  • You have lovely eyes.
  • Lol. Y'all crack me up. I love the vague "1 piece" entries because then I can have a large piece and it still logs the same :p. I think a standard piece would be a 2.5" cube.
  • Lol. I've lost an automobile tire and a human head.
  • ^this. Your weight loss could be stalled due to water retention or whatever. You also may have under-estimated some of the things you ate. You won't lose the same amount each week. You're wanting to look for a downard trend. Some weeks I weigh more, some the same, some less. Just keep at it :)
  • Yes. 600-700 calories is way less than you probably should be eating. MFP has a warning message pop up if you eat less than 1200 calories. Either try to get more in later in the day or maybe try eating a small breakfast to get your body used to eating breakfast again. I didn't eat breakfast for years and when I tried to…
  • Of the 3 shapes listed, my favourite is thick athletic. I plan to look something like that someday, or as close as my body can reasonably obtain. I guess I technically am thick athletic.. just more thick than athletic :p lol. Perhaps that is why I'm partial to it. It's best to be happy in the skin your in and become the…
  • I said it is like a carbohydrate. They are different. Carbs have 4 calories per gram, ethanol has 7. Ethanol is metabolized in a similar manner to fructose. I linked to the citric acid cycle as a quick way to reference that some of the alcohol is metabolized into glucose. Obviously you missed the reference. If something…
  • Good to know the 100 or so calorie in a shot of vodka don't need to be tracked because they're not absorbed. Oh wait, they are. Alcohol is a type of sugar broken down and processed by the liver. Ethanol (alcohol) is oxidized to acetaldehyde by liver enzymes and then it enters the citric acid cycle to be metabolized.…
  • It could be water weight. Keep it up for a bit longer and see what happens. I've plateaued for a couple months. It happens for various reasons like water retention and muscle growth. 1200 calories is really low. You might want to up your calorie intake to something more manageable. It is possible you actually ate more than…
  • Try coffee creamers. They're made with oil and have no dairy in them. I like Coffee Mate. Other brands may have dairy, so check the label. The regular Coffee Mate is 35 calories for 1 tablespoon, which is all I need in my coffee and I really don't care for coffee.