I like sugar

I like all forms. I like table sugar, honey, and brown sugar. I like sugar that occurs in nature. I also like processed and refined sugar, especially the kinds that are in wine, beer, and whiskey. I also like candy and cookies. Chocolate is also a favorite. And, ice cream; my beloved Ben & Jerrys Peanut Butter Cup ice cream. Yum!

I eat all the sugar. I still hit my goals. Sugar is a carb. A carb us a macro nutrient. I track my macro nutrients, so I eat all the sugar I want, up to the limit within my macro setting for carbs, and also keeping in mind, my overall calorie goal.

But, sugar is yummy, and I love it.

There's a lot of talk right now about everyone cutting sugar to lose weight. Do what you want, BUT YOURE NUTS! Sugary yummies are so good. And, they will not stop you from reaching your goals.

Eat smart, add sugar, and enjoy your life. You only get one chance to do it right. :drinker:

Peace out!:smile:


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Correct on all counts
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    this post reminds me that i have space in a my calorie today to eat ice cream
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    :yawn: *yawn*
  • Ithina1
    Ithina1 Posts: 93 Member
  • JBnyc99
    JBnyc99 Posts: 100 Member

    Now,...off to grab my nightly dose of Everlasting Gobstoppers.
  • pugsleyjean
    pugsleyjean Posts: 135 Member

    Now,...off to grab my nightly dose of Everlasting Gobstoppers.

    thanks! now I feel an urge to eat some of those. Haven't had them in years :)
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Yeah well enjoy your sugar cancer!!!

    That's how that works, right?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Pretty sure the OP is gonna die
  • JBnyc99
    JBnyc99 Posts: 100 Member

    Now,...off to grab my nightly dose of Everlasting Gobstoppers.

    thanks! now I feel an urge to eat some of those. Haven't had them in years :)

    Oh, sorry,...but I'm sure there is a Walmart close by,...only $.99/box. If not, I'm always willing to share. I also have some Wonka Bottle Caps and a bunch of Tootsie Pops. I have plenty for everyone. :)
  • Crumpet_Girl
    Crumpet_Girl Posts: 276 Member
    Me too!!! I love sugar and fat and protein too! I basically love all foods and can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want to cut even a single one out from their diet.

    IIFYM rocks :tongue:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Pretty sure the OP is gonna die


    I like sugar on salted butter toast.

  • paganstar71
    paganstar71 Posts: 109 Member
    Avoiding sugar is not just a weight loss aim, that's only a small part of it.

    Eating sugar (sucrose/fructose) increases visceral fat, increases blood triglycerides, makes insulin less efficient increasing the risk of diabetes and heart disease. It also changes our cholesterol transportation system (LDL) from safe pattern A to risky pattern B, again putting you at risk from heart disease. High sugar intake is also linked to pancreatic cancer, kidney disease and high blood pressure.

    The only sugar (fructose) you should eat is in whole fruit and vegetables.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    It's Sunday - what a way to go.

  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Excess weight is all about eating more calories than we burn.

    All things in moderation................works for me!

    beachlover317, I am going to make some bacon right now, that looks better to me than sugar, LOL!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Excess weight is all about eating more calories than we burn.

    All things in moderation................works for me!

    beachlover317, I am going to make some bacon right now, that looks better to me than sugar, LOL!

    We do this every Sunday. Delicious. Congrats on your amazing loss. :drinker:
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Typical Sunday lunch here.. Might top it with some ice cream instead though.

  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    Avoiding sugar is not just a weight loss aim, that's only a small part of it.

    Eating sugar (sucrose/fructose) increases visceral fat, increases blood triglycerides, makes insulin less efficient increasing the risk of diabetes and heart disease. It also changes our cholesterol transportation system (LDL) from safe pattern A to risky pattern B, again putting you at risk from heart disease. High sugar intake is also linked to pancreatic cancer, kidney disease and high blood pressure.

    The only sugar (fructose) you should eat is in whole fruit and vegetables.

  • paganstar71
    paganstar71 Posts: 109 Member


    My work here is done :wink:
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    this post reminds me that i have space in a my calorie today to eat ice cream
    Yes. Same here. Even if it's just a twix bar ice cream, I'm having ice cream today!!!
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    Agreed! Sugar is the best!