I like sugar



  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    apples with peanut butter...

  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    MCD! Don't tell them you only eat a 100 calorie snack each day! They will kick your well toned behind off the sugar wagon.

    I don't think you 'get' the sugar wagon.

    Which is fine. I think a lot of people hear "So and So eats blahblah everyday" and assume that's the standard, as if there is no middle ground between Apple tarts and dum dums.

    I don't think you "get" my joke, which is also fine :wink:
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I feel guilt over nothing I eat anymore, it's food and I've developed a healthy relationship with it now. But I'm curious since you are so anti sugar and I'm a glutton for punishment, can you open your diary I would love to see your perfect diary?

    Oh, so you can look at the sugar in a tin of soup, like what happened to GW1970?

    What happened with GW1970 other than I called him on his diet and his argument? You talk a good game about how harmful sugar is I wanted to see if you practiced what you preach. My diary is open because I have nothing to hide.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    MCD! Don't tell them you only eat a 100 calorie snack each day! They will kick your well toned behind off the sugar wagon.

    I don't think you 'get' the sugar wagon.

    Which is fine. I think a lot of people hear "So and So eats blahblah everyday" and assume that's the standard, as if there is no middle ground between Apple tarts and dum dums.

    I don't think you "get" my joke, which is also fine :wink:

    I'm willing to concede that having alcoholism directly compared to sugar consumption via bulimia has done a number on my mood this morning. I basically hate everyone and everything right now.

    And it's not even 9am. I'm usually optimistic until at least noon.
  • paganstar71
    paganstar71 Posts: 109 Member
    Why do we need to track our macros to maintain our weight? Why do we need to go on diets? Are our bodies broken?

    Why can't we work out if we are full or hungry without referring to our tracking and measuring how long we have exercised?

    What's with weight loss plateaus, does the leptin just stop working?

    Why is a healthy weight it so difficult to maintain for people who were previously obese?

    I've done this before, moderation doesn't work because we are driven by hormones. If you don't know the cause you cannot apply the fix and you are destined to use the only method that creates artificial control for the rest of your life.

    Good luck with your journey guys, chill out and don't get so irritable, you'll want an extra portion of ice cream after all this upset ;)
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    Please allow me to restate the Thread title for any confused posters in here...

    "TOPIC: I like sugar"

    MCD is my kind of sugar...wait, edible sugar....yes that too!
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Why do we need to track our macros to maintain our weight? Why do we need to go on diets? Are our bodies broken?

    Why can't we work out if we are full or hungry without referring to our tracking and measuring how long we have exercised?

    What's with weight loss plateaus, does the leptin just stop working?

    Why is a healthy weight it so difficult to maintain for people who were previously obese?

    I've done this before, moderation doesn't work because we are driven by hormones. If you don't know the cause you cannot apply the fix and you are destined to use the only method that creates artificial control for the rest of your life.

    Good luck with your journey guys, chill out and don't get so irritable, you'll want an extra portion of ice cream after all this upset ;)

    If I have the choice between being able to enjoy all the delicious, convenient, low cost food the modern world has brought us, but having to log, OR not having to log but having to prepare everything from scratch, taking time away from my other pursuits, I personally choose logging. I enjoy self-quantification, so it's not even a chore, to be honest. The only time it's a source of (very minor) stress is when I don't have the required information available.

    The choice is personal, and I won't criticize anyone's personal decision. But I will object when someone says or implies that their way is the only way.
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Why do we need to track our macros to maintain our weight? Why do we need to go on diets? Are our bodies broken?

    Why can't we work out if we are full or hungry without referring to our tracking and measuring how long we have exercised?

    What's with weight loss plateaus, does the leptin just stop working?

    Why is a healthy weight it so difficult to maintain for people who were previously obese?

    I've done this before, moderation doesn't work because we are driven by hormones. If you don't know the cause you cannot apply the fix and you are destined to use the only method that creates artificial control for the rest of your life.

    Good luck with your journey guys, chill out and don't get so irritable, you'll want an extra portion of ice cream after all this upset ;)

    Are you raw vegan?
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member

    moderation doesn't work because we are driven by hormones.
    Speak for yourself. I haz no willpower because: hormones. Convenient excuses are convenient
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member
    I like all forms. I like table sugar, honey, and brown sugar. I like sugar that occurs in nature. I also like processed and refined sugar, especially the kinds that are in wine, beer, and whiskey. I also like candy and cookies. Chocolate is also a favorite. And, ice cream; my beloved Ben & Jerrys Peanut Butter Cup ice cream. Yum!

    I eat all the sugar. I still hit my goals. Sugar is a carb. A carb us a macro nutrient. I track my macro nutrients, so I eat all the sugar I want, up to the limit within my macro setting for carbs, and also keeping in mind, my overall calorie goal.

    But, sugar is yummy, and I love it.

    There's a lot of talk right now about everyone cutting sugar to lose weight. Do what you want, BUT YOURE NUTS! Sugary yummies are so good. And, they will not stop you from reaching your goals.

    Eat smart, add sugar, and enjoy your life. You only get one chance to do it right. :drinker:

    Peace out!:smile:

    ^^^ nodding
  • paganstar71
    paganstar71 Posts: 109 Member

    Are you raw vegan?

    Definitely not, but I am a pescatarian.
  • paganstar71
    paganstar71 Posts: 109 Member
    Speak for yourself. I haz no willpower because: hormones. Convenient excuses are convenient

    Why should humans need willpower in order to eat sensibly. Do you think animals employ willpower?
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Speak for yourself. I haz no willpower because: hormones. Convenient excuses are convenient

    Why should humans need willpower in order to eat sensibly. Do you think animals employ willpower?
    Is this a serious question? Animals don't have a choice, they eat what they find and/or kill. They don't have stores to go buy whatever they want, I can assure you that if they did the animals without willpower would be fat.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Speak for yourself. I haz no willpower because: hormones. Convenient excuses are convenient

    Why should humans need willpower in order to eat sensibly. Do you think animals employ willpower?

    I think animals are limited by food source availability. And when they aren't and can eat as much as they want they get fat, just like humans.
  • paganstar71
    paganstar71 Posts: 109 Member
    Is this a serious question? Animals don't have a choice, they eat what they find and/or kill. They don't have stores to go buy whatever they want, I can assure you that if they did the animals without willpower would be fat.

    You don't need willpower, you have a bunch of hormones called insulin, CCK, ghrelin and leptin that is designed to control your appetite. Making choices in the supermarket is not down to willpower, you would use willpower to avoid over-eating when your appetite control system stops working, resulting in weight gain.

    I keep chickens, they have unlimited access to food, but they do not over eat.
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    "Why do we need to track our macros to maintain our weight? Why do we need to go on diets? Are our bodies broken?"

    No, they aren't. Generally, we fill our bodies with unnatural foods that weren't really designed for us to take in. Genesis 1:29 - And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

    Needless to say, we're now in a society where we've trained our bodies to handle things like oreos, cheese burgers, ice cream, etc. Is it GOOD for our bodies? Well, probably not; but it's not going to kill us, it just makes things a lot more difficult to control. Most raw vegans (or vegans, or raw foodists, or very strict vegetarians) do not struggle with their weight at all; and infact, can stand to put on a few pounds.

    "Why can't we work out if we are full or hungry without referring to our tracking and measuring how long we have exercised?"

    There have been multiple studies that eating ~400 calories of processed foods will only fill your stomach a little, where as eating ~400 calories in fruits/vegetables will fill it completely. You seem pretty well versed, so you probably already know where this information came from without me having to scour the internet to find the sources. Moreover, when people are eating processed foods they're going to be hungrier and thus want to eat more and then turn to their calorie counts to see how much they need to exercise to afford them more food without negative impact. This does not automatically = sugar, but I'll get to that a little later!

    "What's with weight loss plateaus, does the leptin just stop working?"

    Weight loss plateaus are almost always in direct correlation with inaccurate calorie counting. This could be fom miscalculating calories burned through exercise to not taking into account the whipped cream on top of your coffee. People get fat without sugar, by the way.

    "Why is a healthy weight it so difficult to maintain for people who were previously obese?"

    Because the majority of people live in civilized countries where fast food or high calorie alternatives to home cooked, low calorie meals are sometimes less expensive and/or easier than the former. Unfortunately, we'll all be faced with birthday parties and special occasions that throw us off for a week, a month, a year, whatever - it's about getting on the band wagon of weight loss, not focusing on how much you gained when you messed up.

    "I've done this before, moderation doesn't work because we are driven by hormones. If you don't know the cause you cannot apply the fix and you are destined to use the only method that creates artificial control for the rest of your life."

    Moderation does work. If you are getting sufficient vitamins in the foods you select, which, as a pescatarian you should be unless you are a pescatarian who also indulges in oreos and other nutritionally void/high calorie foods without taking the time to exercise that treat off, you shouldn't be having a problem. If we are driven by hormones and that is what is creating our desire for sugar, then that would mean that not eating sugar would be going completely against our hormones, but okay, then we can eat anything that doesn't include sugar and never gain weight? Totally wrong. It is not a guess, it is a scientific fact that limiting calories will result in weight loss. Vegans are generally thin because their choices in food are very low calorie. If I eat 3,000 calories in protein, guess what, I'm still going to get fat. If I eat 1,000 calories in sugar, I will lose weight. There is no if, and, or but about it.

    Raw vegans, vegans, vegetarians and all of its spin offs tend to take in a very high amount of sugar. In fact, I'd wager that we take in more sugar than those who just eat whatever. When you decide to partake in a lifestyle that restricts multiple food groups you need a lot of self control, and when you try to limit what you can have even further by axeing out sugar you're going to give yourself an increasingly difficult time trying to meet your goals. By cutting out sugar, you can no longer have most fruits and most vegetarian deserts. There are tons of natural sugars that aren't even found in fruits - like raw cane sugar, for example. Unless there is some medical cause for you not being able to take in sugar - which would mean that your body is "broken" - there is no real need to cut it out. It doesn't add that many calories. Heck, I'd be more cautious about sodium, if anything.

    "Why should humans need willpower in order to eat sensibly. Do you think animals employ willpower?"

    Again, because we now live in a society where temptations are everywhere. Like Achrya said, a lion doesn't have much choice; they eat what they can get and deal. If that lion could get in its Lexus and drive itself over to Mc. Donalds, trust, it would. Our ancestors (even recent) didn't struggle as much as we do currently because there weren't so many quick-fix options. So, now, we all need will power, even IF you have a TON of nutrition. Healthy food will NEVER EVER taste as good, sincerely, as much as you may convince yourself, as "unhealthy" food does.
  • tenatroy1
    Just make sure to mix it with love because it makes the world taste good.
  • tenatroy1
  • tenatroy1
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Most raw vegans (or vegans, or raw foodists, or very strict vegetarians) do not struggle with their weight at all; and infact, can stand to put on a few pounds.

    I can buy that raw vegans or foodists tend to not struggle with their weight, because it's physically harder to put away too much raw food. Regular vegans and strict vegetarians have to monitor intake as much as anyone else. I'm sure there are some lucky vegans that eat intuitively as there are some omnivores that eat intuitively, but I would disagree that it's the norm.

    As for the animals, we've got some real chunkers around our neighborhood. They take advantage of the resources they've got. Why wouldn't they? They may not have it tomorrow. Humans have to use will power or moderation or whatever you want to call it because most of us know that we will have enough tomorrow.