I don't like exercise so I wanna learn which foods can help me to burn body fat
I know it's hazadaous to my mental health too :)) , but I know I feel better if I use my lovely scale everyday ( sometimes once sometimes twice ! )
I gained more than a pound :( , but I will start to use my lovely scale tomorrow!
deal :)
how do you guys lose weight with little ones? any tips ?
I am trying to manage but if you have a brilliant recipe I really appreciate !!
I am trying to eating healty and I am not eating those extra 500 calories, but it is still difficult to lose weight !
oh my gosh ! I weigh in every morrning ! but I decided weigh in on Wednasday .
I am not sure that walking helps to lose weight
I will try lose weight without workout in a long term ! my goal is lose 4 pounds in a month and I hope I can do it just decrease the calorie intake.
good to hear that because I haven't done exercise before !
love it !
I have a regular one, sometimes we have a walk , before doing exercise I should learn to eating healty
I try :))) I hope I can make it !