without work out

is it possible to lose weight without work out?


  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    Not the healthiest way, but definitely possible.

    Google "Calorie cycling". It worked for me when I had an injury and couldn't exercise.
  • gamizz
    gamizz Posts: 24
    good to hear that because I haven't done exercise before !
  • Raychillen
    Yes you can lose weight by decreasing your caloric intake. However, it is much harder to maintain that weight loss without exercise. Exercise builds muscle, muscle burns more calories even when you are at rest. It is best to incorporate some exercise everyday, even if it is a 15 minute walk or climbing the stair instead of taking the elevator. Good luck.
  • mattsdad1961
    mattsdad1961 Posts: 65 Member
    wow...difficult question. probably in the short term it is possible. However...our bodies are amazing machines and they will adjust to reduced caloric intake by reducing metabolic activity - unless there is some outside force to increase metabolism. That's where the need for exercise comes in. Some folks are intimidated by the idea of a workout. What's really important is to push a bit beyond your normal physical state. For some people that means running laps and lifting weights. For others, it could be walking to the post box and back 5 times. The key to sensible weight loss seems to be control calories, increase physical activity add lots of water.

    If you are concerned with your starting point - don't let it intimidate you. One day at a time...are the choices I make today better than the ones I made yesterday...Good luck! You have tremenous support from everyone here...Best luck for finding the healthiest you that you can be!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    good to hear that because I haven't done exercise before !

    What do you mean you haven't??? Not even walk? Exercise can be as easy as walk for 20+ minutes...
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Yes, you can lose weight without working out or exercising but it is much better for your body to stay in shape. If you haven't exercised before, just take it slow. Go for a walk. No one says you have to run or exercise for an hour and a half. But if you start with short walks and gradually challenge yourself with runs or DVDs or classes at the gym, you'll be AMAZED how much better you feel - not just physically but you will also feel much better about yourself. It's tough to get started but it is SO worth it. And remember, the toughest part of any journey is getting started!! Good luck!
  • gamizz
    gamizz Posts: 24
    I will try lose weight without workout in a long term ! my goal is lose 4 pounds in a month and I hope I can do it just decrease the calorie intake.
  • gamizz
    gamizz Posts: 24
    I am not sure that walking helps to lose weight
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I am not sure that walking helps to lose weight

    Then you would be wrong. ANY kind of physical activity, done consistently, will help you lose weight.
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Around 3 yrs ago, I tried to lose weight, starting with diet only. I figured that after I dropped some weight, I'd start exercising. So by strictly watching my diet, I dropped about 40 lbs (took 6 months). I then started exercising. I hit a small plateau and got discouraged, and ended up gaining all the weight back

    This time I started exercising within a week or two of starting my diet. The weight is coming off much easier, and I feel significantly better from the exercise. I'm getting my endurance back, and today I noticed some slight muscle definition on my shoulder/upper arm.

    So given the choice of diet only, or diet + exercise, I'd recommend diet + exercise.

    P.S. Walking is definitely considered exercise. But you need to go at a nice pace, not just a stroll down the street.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    I will try lose weight without workout in a long term ! my goal is lose 4 pounds in a month and I hope I can do it just decrease the calorie intake.

    Managing your calorie intake will yield results, even over the long term. It will not get you healthy though, exercise will do that. Walking will most definitely be a good place to start if you are at an unhealthy point now and are looking to improve. gradually increase the time/distance walked and the speed at which you walk. You will be surprised at how much of a workout walking can actually be.