

  • I lost 4 pounds the first week and 2 pounds the second week.
  • Just remember to take it one day at a time. Don't dwell on the past or what you didn't do yesterday. Today is a new day and a fresh start. Try to remember that every day. Unfortunately the weight doesn't come off by itself so we do have to work at it. Have a great day at the gym in the morning!
  • I love peanut butter too and eat a small amount almost every day. Your body does need fat to function normally but like everything else moderation is important. Yes some fats are better for you than others. But peanut butter in moderation is fine.
  • Welcome to MFP. Good luck on your journey.
    in New! Comment by KaseyWB May 2011
  • Welcome. I think MFP is a great way to track your progress and meet your goals. You've got to be honest with yourself for this to work. There is lots of support here and there is always motivation. Good Luck.
  • Been there done that. Here is a quote from this site "too much exercise and not enough food= plateau". You need to eat more. Eat back your exercise calories. Your body needs fuel. Try not to go under 1200 net calories a day. When I started eating my exercise calories back I started losing again.
  • Someone on this site posted some very profound advise " too much exercise and not enough food = plateau" Are you going below 1200 net calories a day. If you are only eating 1200 a day and exercising 30-60 minutes a day you may not be eating enough to fuel your weight loss. initially I did not eat my exercise calories back…
  • Yes I weigh my protein (meat, fish, etc). I got a digital kitchen scale at walmart for $9.
    in Food Scale Comment by KaseyWB April 2011
  • Your weight can fluctuate as much as 2-3 pounds in the same day because of food and liquid intake and bathroom activity. That is why you should not weigh every day or you will be on the weight roller coaster with the ups and downs. Once a week is plenty. Although I am always tempted the night before to get on the scale to…
  • Based on your weight loss goals MFP calculates your calories for the day. Your net calories are the calories you take in from food minus the calories you use from exercise. For example if your calorie goal for the day is 1500 you can eat 1500 calories worth of food. If you exercise and burn 200 calories MFP would like for…
  • Good luck on your journey. MFP has been a great tool for me. 8 pounds lost so far. Plus there's lots of support and motivation when you need it.
  • I too am looking for motivation. So the more help the merrier. This is the start of my third week and I must say it's not as easy as it was. Although I have had more success than doing it on my own. But still it's hard. I have an awful sweet tooth and it was in check the last two weeks but not any more. Even a small…
  • Yes I am a sweet addict as well. Fruit works well for my sweet cravings. But the fruit needs to be ripe for the best flavor. Also the 100 calorie snack packs are a good way to satisfy your craving without going overboard on calories. I am not a big fan of artifical sweetners so I don't do "sugar free" well. And one Hersey…
  • yes soda and juice count for calories too. Soda is "empty" calories. No nutritional value just calories. And be careful with diet sodas they have been shown to actually make you gain weight. If you are going to drink diet soda no more than one serving (8 oz) a day.
    in Hello Comment by KaseyWB February 2011