

  • Hello, I know it can be a struggle at time. You hold on to your determination and it will pay off. You can friend me and we can encourage each other.
  • Hello, Welcome back to MFP. I know you will accomplish your goal. You can do it when you put your mind to it. I know, because it's working for me.
  • Hello, Welcome to MFP. Don't get discourage of the calories. The whole trick is to burn more calories you take in. One of the things I do is to walk 30 mins a day, if possible. Walk the mall, around in the stores or the neighborhood. The catch is.....to get moving. When you log your excercises, it will recalculate your…
    in Hi Comment by rinitafitz June 2011
  • I notice that even though I'm under my calerie count, I can be over my fat caleries intake. So, keep an eye on that also.
  • :happy: Good for you. Life changes habits and healthy choices are the best. I too decided to change my eating habits
  • Hi, You can do it. I notice that cutting out bad carbs (white rice, pasta, and bread) has helped me a lot. I also cut back on sodas. I didn't want to diet...I wanted to change my eating habit. Something that's not temporary, but life changing.
    in Hi Comment by rinitafitz April 2011
  • It is a personal choice. I randomly weigh in (about twice a month), depending on how busy I am. I just make sure that I weigh-in in the morning when I first get up.
  • Welcome! I added GNC B-12 5000 ZipMelt to my daily supplement and it helps.
  • Also, It you know the exact calories, you can put it in yourself. When I ate a subway sub, I looked up their information on their sight and entered it in the database. That way I was getting the exact calories and all.
  • I understand what you are talking about. I'm a working single mother of 4 (have a set of twins). Had anotgher baby 2 years after the twins. I was feeling the same way. BUT, I became determing to lost weight because I was tired of always being tired. I started om MFP at the end of February, and have lost 9 lbs thus far. I…
  • I just had a lot of fried food
  • It is stated that if you don't eat enough caleries a day, your body will turn everything you eat into FAT because it doesn't know when it will receive its next meal. This is why some people can eat 8 small meals and lose more weight then those who just eat 1 meal a day.
  • I notice that if I don't take my weight doing the same time of day or point my scale in the same directions, I will get different results. Therefore, I weigh myself first thing in the morning, and I marked a spot so I know where to place the scale. Also, I use to eat white rice everyday, but it wasn't until I switch to…
  • I notice that if I don't take my weight doing the same time of day or point my scale in the same directions, I will get different results. Therefore, I weigh myself first thing in the morning, and I marked a spot so I know where to place the scale.