CaraAmor Member


  • This is my second startup and I was feeling pretty guilty and upset with myself too. It's nice to know that others have fallen off the wagon and gotten back on again.... it gives one hope!
  • The best positive advice I can think of is to consciously arrange your life as much as possible to prevent binging. Removing temptation is a biggie for me. I have a seven day meal plan (I refuse to call it a diet!) and I have a shopping list based on that plan... and ONLY that plan. No extra munchies in the house...…
  • My advice is to definitely check out Cool Running's Couch to 5K program. Just 30 minutes a day/3 times per week. I'm on week five right now and it really works! Lots of great advice and information. Check it out at In addition, I would recommend downloading Robert Ullrey's weekly podcasts that…
  • Good for you! Absolutely phenomenal!
  • Hey there! The best advice I can give smokers trying to quit is to keep trying! I started smoking in my mid 30's (I know... stupid, stupid, stupid... I definitely knew better!) From the first cigarette, I was hooked and smoked about half a pack a day for 5 years. Then I started getting chest pains and couldn't do things I…
  • I definitely prefer the elliptical myself. It does work both your legs and your arms, as it basically is designed to replicate the activity of cross country skiing... and cross country skiing is (from what I understand) the very BEST cardiovascular workout you can do!:happy: Kinda nice also because, in addition to the…