Hi Everyone! The subject line pretty much sums it up. I have been just eating whatever I want...whenever I want and it is not good! Not only am I gaining weight, I feel horrible and my body is unique because i have type one diabetes and so I know this is going to take years off of my life! After I am done eating, I feel more and more guilty! Anyway, I am aware that this is a huge "mental" thing, but I was just wondering if there are some people out there who can give me some positive advice and maybe possibly a friend that I could check in with EVERYDAY to let them know how I am doing. This would be great for me for me to have some accountability and that way I wouldnt feel so alone in this! Thanks so much : )


  • marymary123
    Hi. I feel and do the same sometimes. Sometimes worse than others. I would love to be in touch and offer support and be supported everyday! Mary
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I understand. I have been under a lot of stress lately and just have not done what I know I need to do. The best thing I have found that helps me is to plan out my day the night before. I make sure to have protein, and fruit or vegies with every meal and snack and then I find I am not that hungry. I need to get back into that again and plan on making it my goal. I also have found I need to focus on what I can have not what I can't--protein shakes are great that way, I can get the chocolate fix and not be overloading on carbs, etc. Take care, give yourself a break--and start over right now. You can do this!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
  • alliejo
    alliejo Posts: 23
    hi and thanks for your help! What kind of protein shakes do you drink (brand name) ...there are so many out there to choose from! If you like the kind you drink then I will go buy some...just because some protein shakes are nasty and I dont want to waste $ if i dont drink them! thanks!
  • mlagena
    mlagena Posts: 154 Member
    You can do this! Bad habits, addictions, whatever - they are all fixable!
    Are you binging mostly at home, work, or in certain situations? The best way for me to handle a problem is to figure out it's triggers! Just like.... I know if i'm going out drinking I'm going to want to smoke because, in college, I TRAINED myself to do that! Now I make sure that none of my friends bring their cigs in.
    There are situations and environments in which you may have subconsciously trained yourself to binge. You could try writing down what, when and where you binge the most and make appropriate changes, like... buying 100cal packs instead of cookies! Or keeping flavored water mixes instead of sodas at work! If it's an environment, like if you're at home all day, be conscious of your timing and remind yourself that, if you're not hungry, you don't HAVE to eat! Oooh, gum helps me in times like that.
    Stick to your guns and make small changes! Before long, this will all be the past!!
    We're all behind you! :drinker:
  • shyhorses
    I do the same thing. I can't just stop at one piece of rice crispy treats, it ends up being half the cake! I don't think I do it because of any emotional thing. I just love the chewy sweetness!! I LOVE sweets!
    So I can relate, binging is a hard thing to control. I wish I had an answer! I think it is something we will struggle with daily. I guess for myself I have to either say yes, or no. A yes to a treat will lead up to more than one, so mostly I just have to learn to say no.
    Hope you have some success with the no's! :)
  • CaraAmor
    CaraAmor Posts: 6 Member
    The best positive advice I can think of is to consciously arrange your life as much as possible to prevent binging.
    Removing temptation is a biggie for me.
    I have a seven day meal plan (I refuse to call it a diet!) and I have a shopping list based on that plan... and ONLY that plan. No extra munchies in the house... whatsoever. Also, no quick trips to the convenience store or the local coffee shop. Yes, it is a little limiting socially, but it keeps me on track.
    Also, force yourself to drink lots and lots of water... oddly enough, I have acquired a taste for it!
    Hang in there and make sure you use this site fully. By knowing that you have to record all your food, it really does give you pause before you put anything in your mouth!
    Good Luck!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member

    try this--it is what I use, I really like it as a shake with milk and a frozen banana (blended in the blender of course). A perfect snack! I have found I am much less hungry when I get enough protein and vegies. I don't feel like snacking or binging. I have heard before that if you don't get the right nutrients, your body tries to get them in other ways. My body sure does! If I eat right, less hunger--wrong, more. Go figure!
  • shyhorses
    I have found also that if I feel like eating sometimes I go for a walk or do some sort of excersises. I find this takes away the urge to munch.
    Here's my revelation post for the day:

    "Every day is full of choices and careful considerations. Everyday is a struggle between excersising and not. One day at a time."

    So I guess we just have to think about thinks twice or even three times before just popping something in our mouths. It sure helps having this website. That way you can actually SEE what your snacks and "non thinkers" do to your day!
    I call my quick hungry binges "unthinkers" :)
    B/c that's what they really are. Just reflexes of my hunger and not actually planned snacks!

    Best wishes!