

  • Wow Tam! Thank you so much for posting this. I was on such a downer this morning when I jumped onto the scale and saw that nothing had changed, and this has cheered me right up! Well done with everything that you've achieved. You're an inspiration to us all! xxx
  • Morning Everyone! I was a little sneaky today and jumped on the scales before weigh in day tomorrow morning...and nothing has changed. Still. I would love to say that I hadn't been having sneaky peaks at the scales, but I have been looking everyday, and everyday I'm exactly 144.8. It's the .8 that's the *****! Deffo low on…
  • It does! Each item comes with it's own list of nutritional facts. Also, when I went to put in my Pineapple from this morning, it had already been added to MFP! WINNER
  • I went for the fruit box, and it was YUMMY! Looking forward to next week's already! And! The second box is half price!
  • That;s awesome! Well done!
  • You're welcome! Just remember that if you don't want to continue then cancel your next box when you receive your first.
  • In two weeks time it will be one year for me!!! Quit for lent in '09 and went cold turkey from over 20 cigs a day. So happy to have quit!
  • From what I understand, the Wii Fit isn't accurate when it comes to calories burned - I'm sure I've seen this mentioned in a couple of posts around here. I've gone off the Wii Fit Plus. I never want to exercise in the house, which is a shame as I bought the Wii for the Wii Fit! Sayign that, I have got my money out of it…
  • KP - It's a geeky reference to a Joss Whedon comic...I'm a bit of a nerd! Exercise wise, managed to get up and go to the gym this morning AND walked to work after. This is a HUGE achievement for me as I only started going to the gym for the first time ever on Sunday! Only managed to burn about 250 in the gym though :(…
  • Jackie - Don't give up! Why don't you try eating something like Special K when you wake up, and then have just a piece of fruit when you're having breakfast with your Mum? This means that by the time you get to lunch, you'll be looking for something filling and satisfying! Might I suggest Sushi? I've found it to be a great…
  • Caffeine tends to increase the cortisol levels, which can lead to fat in the abdominal area. On top of this - it tends to increase the appetite, cause stress (which can lead to binge eating), gives the feeling of having low blood sugar (increased craving of fatty foods) and we won't even get onto the cellulite issues! A…
  • Hi Spring! The site really is good for tracking exactly what you're eating. I'm a bit like you in that I'm not wanting to lose a lot of weight, I'm more wanting to get a little healthier with the food that I'm eating! Sarah
  • Thanks :) I'm going to be aiming for twice a day, however I can see me alternating between the morning and the evening each day depending on how much I'll have on at work that day :S
  • Just found this topic so I thought I'd join in! Hi everyone! My goal for this month is to lose 4 lbs my the 22nd. That's 2lb a week....totally doable! Joined the gym yesterday for the first time ever, so I'm looking forward to pushing myself into losing the weight! Good luck everyone!
  • Just want to say thank you to you all for finally DRUMMING some sense into Kirst30. Have been saying and repeating all of your comments day in, day out without her listening. Cheers for finally getting through. Good times.