Normal coffee vs. Decaf Coffee, what's best?

I'm a real love of my coffee, and am making a conscious effort to either drink it black or else have a skimmed cappuccino for a treat.

I have never really drank decaf coffee but think I perhaps should start to - on average I drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day. Plus 1 cup of tea.

Does caffeine make a difference during weight loss or is it just better for me in the long run to have decaf options?

Kirsty xxx


  • thricewiser
    Caffeine tends to increase the cortisol levels, which can lead to fat in the abdominal area. On top of this - it tends to increase the appetite, cause stress (which can lead to binge eating), gives the feeling of having low blood sugar (increased craving of fatty foods) and we won't even get onto the cellulite issues!

    A good trick is to ask for half/half, decaf and caf to wean yourself off. If you're going for decaf takeaway, Costa is meant to be the best place for it. ;)
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    I'm a coffee lover, too. As I understand it (from the manager of a coffee shop), the darker roast coffees have considerably less caffeine than lighter roasts. Espresso drinks, such as cappuccino are generally made using a pretty dark roast. You may want to stick with your cappuccino treat. For myself, decaf coffee is missing a lot of flavor so I just use dark roasts for my coffee.

    Enjoy your coffee!
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    I too am a coffee lover! But converted to decaff about 3 months ago. There are some really good decaffs, Pret do a nice one. My legs look a million times better for it!!!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Not sure if this is true, but a doctor once told my dad it is not worth it to go to decaf. The chemicals they use to "decaf" it are worse than the "regular" coffee.
  • Kirst30
    I too am a coffee lover! But converted to decaff about 3 months ago. There are some really good decaffs, Pret do a nice one. My legs look a million times better for it!!!

    Major congrats on the leg improvements! I could do with some of that, ha ha.

    Do you drink instant coffee? And if so, what decaf brands are good?
  • samseed101
    samseed101 Posts: 97 Member
    I suppose it's different for everyone, but there are quite a few people that use caffeine as a weight loss supplement. Not too long ago (and i suppose even today actually,) it was VERY popular to mix caffeine and ephedra to help with weight loss. That's actually what most weight loss supplements were before that particular form of ephedra was banned in the U.S.

    I don't bother to try to cut out caffeine and I haven't observed any negative effects. I can still lose weight at a predicted rate based on what I eat. I also don't have any of the common side effects that people frequently mention. SO i guess it's different from person to person.
  • bukozki
    I don't really know anything about the coffee issue, I suppose I should look into that given the amount of coffee I drink. Anywhere from 2-8 cups a day. It's become part of my ritual, grind my beans, make my coffee, drink my coffee. I even make oatmeal with my coffee.

    I guess I should possibly reconsider it. I drink a lot of coffee because I find it actually helps me curb food cravings, but if the micro-effect outweighs the (potentially perceived) benefits, I guess I'll have to face that demon.
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    I have about the same intake as Bukozki - 1 or 2 or sometimes (if I'm studying really late, which isn't frequently enough these days) 3 plungers. Each plunger is about 800ml and needs 3 heaped scoops of strong ground coffee (always black, no sugar)

    Coffee is a diet suppressant. So you'll probably find you eat less with coffee (unless you eat it in cafe's with cakes and ****, but then you're probably having lates or something which don't give me a buzz at all.

    I don't see the point in decaf, since you still get most of the negative effects without the buzz. Unless you drink it just to be social or cause you can't get enough of that weak coffee taste.

    On the other hand, coffee is a diuretic and will cause dehydration and water retention. This is a major cause of "fat days". If you cut out caffine and replace it with hot water, or maybe green tea, and you don't change anything else, you'll probably find you look slimmer after a few days because your body is better hydrated and doesn't hoard like a camel.
  • bukozki
    Yeah, I haven't been as concerned about water retention since I drink plenty of water and sweat like draft horse when I run.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Well, I drink like 4 cups a day and I have lost while doing it. It actually gives your metabolism a boost (releases epinephrine), so why not? The only reason I drink it is for the pick-me-up. Decaf would have no effect, and it doesn't taste good enough for me to drink it just for the sake of drinking it.

    I haven't heard of it causing increased cortisol, but if that is true, then I would have to say that most things cause increased cortisol release. Any kind of stress causes cortisol release, and who doesn't have tons of that in his or her life? :laugh: Everything in moderation is the ultimate answer I suppose!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    I drink decaf coffee but that is mostly because I get migraines. I like the Pikes Place Decaf from starbucks because it doesn't taste WEAK and it tastes like regular coffee. I personally like the taste of coffee and usually only have it in the mornings if anything. I do like the Starbuck's skinny vanilla latte (90 calories for a Tall). Caffeine isn't really good for you anyways and it can cause an increase in Hunger. I think in the end that it is all about choices and how much of an influence it is on your daily routine.
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member

    Major congrats on the leg improvements! I could do with some of that, ha ha.

    Do you drink instant coffee? And if so, what decaf brands are good?

    Haha!! Thanks!!!

    I do! I drink Clipper, because it's organic so it doesn't go through the chemical decaff process that some do, plus I like that taste :o) There are quite a lot to choose from now though!
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member

    I don't see the point in decaf, since you still get most of the negative effects without the buzz. Unless you drink it just to be social or cause you can't get enough of that weak coffee taste.

    What negative effects?

    It tastes just like normal coffee, the strength doesn't come from the caffeine ;o)