jmehere Member


  • If you're not underweight, you might have a hormone or thyroid imbalance. Looks like you're going back to the doctor, so you'll get to the bottom of it.
  • Yes, lots of water and a warm bath will help. Another thing that helps me is heating pad. If you want, you could alternate between heating pad and icing for a couple of rounds. 10 minutes or so each round. That should help even faster, but usually the heating pad is enough for me (though there is still a little soreness,…
  • bump. can't find my measuring tape.
  • General: Lung by The Knife Husband: Epic by Faith No More
  • I agree with Riz also. This is what we have police departments for.
  • Write everything down. Every time you have an incident with him, write it down. If you can discreetly record anything with your phone, do it. Find out what your legal rights are. Keep yourself strongly composed, always walk with your head up, aware of your surroundings when you go out your door. When he says something…
  • The picture you have up of yourself is very cute. That said, if you had been an ugly guy, I wouldn't have responded, but somebody else would have thought you were cute. Not to be callous, but opinions are like a$%oles; everyone has one... Do and be what makes YOU happy.
  • Honestly, I almost cried when I saw the picture of the brainless chickens. I think I prefer to occasionally eat an expensive, well treated chicken then to eat something like that. Just seems more natural and my gut reaction. I have been vegetarian off and on again, but now only eat poultry occasionally. The last cold I had…
  • I'm grateful for: a supportive partner kids that challenge me and awe me good friends who keep me from feeling alone for allowing myself to be embraced by a loving god for the rainbow I saw on the dark horizon today (storms rolling in) having everything I need and alot of what I want
  • I can't bring it into the house. It would last maybe 3 days. That and the new Philadelphia dark chocolate cream cheese. Cannot have them in the house.
    in nutella Comment by jmehere February 2012
  • bump. I've been wondering about this, as well.
  • The YMCA I go to has child watch. Also, walks are good. Load them up in a doubler stroller and walk them. Maybe at nap time? My son used to fall asleep in the stroller during walks all the time. You could incorporate play with your 3 year old and exercise. Do a dance party. I have a bunch of kid friendly techno songs on my…
  • You don't look overweight at all. In fact, you look thin in your pictures. My husband is thin. It annoys me to no end when he teases that he's fat. I know he's just teasing, but it still annoys me. I AM overweight. In fact, I'll be considered obese until I lose another 1 or 2 pounds. I think it's great that you are meeting…
  • Being a parent isn't a pass to treat your children badly. Children aren't possessions, they are vulnerable, dependent people. If anything, being a parent to someone obligates them to treat their offspring with love and respect, so as to teach them what love and respect are. I'm not saying that's an easy task. And no one is…
  • It's just like changing over to whole wheat bread from white. You'll get used to it and might even come to prefer it.
  • I think you are doing great, 11 pounds is awesome in 3 weeks. But I know how frustrating it can be to not see the number go down when you are working so hard. When I first started out, I had weeks like that as well, but it was temporary. Usually the next week I'd be down again. I'm sure you've already heard that our…
  • I used to keep mine public but found that when I started overeating; I wouldn't log it because I was ashamed. I made it private so that I could feel like I could log with out judgement. Though, I know people aren't that interested in what I eat. It's an emotional issue for me.
  • Adult children of Alcoholics. Children of dysfunction, in general; are welcome. The perfectionism, militantism, and using religion to abuse you have been subjected to definitely counts. It's helped me deal with my mother and other dysfunctional family members. You can find local meetings online. It's there when you are…
  • Yes, teaching moment. There's even a type of parenting that backs it up... Love and Logic. Natural consequences for behavior. It sounds like things worked out fine.
  • I don't have any advise on how much, accept to say that I think that we are a little obsessed with it. It's funny, my husband brought home a newspaper from 1976ish (can't remember the exact year) and in the meat section of the ads it said something like this, "If you're trying to loose weight, eat meat with every meal." I…
  • He wasn't worth the effort. He wasn't ready for a commitment. My husband has been with me for 10 years. I was 150 pounds when we met. After I had our 1st child a year and a half later, I was 200 pounds. I continued to gain weight, with a high of 245 ish pounds. I haven't been under 200 pounds for the last 8 or so years…
  • I would think you could, because it's about net calories consumed over the course of week. That's why the spike day, calorie shifting, and maybe even carb cycling work. Those days that you eat more calories raise the threshold of your metabolism and help you to burn more. As long as you stay under however many calories you…
  • Maybe the problem is that adolescence has been extended to 29. I don't know about you, but I stopped trying so hard in my 30's. Meaning last year. =P I'm 34.
  • Well, your body can only process so much in one sitting. Depending on your body, around 30ish grams. And too much can wear out your kidneys (though, I'm not sure how much is too much, and maybe it's just not good long term). I've also heard that it is helpful when you are trying to loose weight because it does help with…
  • Slowlyfighting, I've struggled with depression and anxiety all my life. And while the battles are continuous, I can say that right now I am on the winning side of the war. One thing I can tell you is your self worth will only get a temporary boost from looking better, from other people's compliments, from other's envy.…
  • Wish I had read your profile before I answered. You are already low body fat. I hope you are eating at least 1200 calories a day. If you are wanting to build muscle, you don't need to calorie restrict. You DON'T need to lose ANY weight. If you really want to build muscle to replace fat, eat a healthy diet without any…
  • I would spread it out over the next 7 days or 2 weeks even instead of just 2 days. You could stagger, too. Take more calories off some days than others. It's about net calories over a week, anyway. Or you could just let it go and go about yoru business.