Food Diary - Private or Public?



  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    I had it said to "friends only" at first... But I often pre-log my calories for the next day, and I didn't want people thinking I was eating the next day's food at midnight, so I just made mine private for now. LOL

    I do that too (log all my calories for the day so my meals are planned out), and I remember a while back someone had started a thread because they were appalled that someone whose food diary they were in had eaten all their calories for the day by 10 am. *rolleyes* That's why mine is private.
  • perpetuallyfit
    perpetuallyfit Posts: 153 Member
    Mine was set to "private" by default and the first thing I did after I realized that I set it for friends only. I am kinda technically challenged! :laugh: I don't mind going public as I feel I would be more accountable to everyone. That is precisely the reason why I am here. I want people to hold me accountable if I am not doing things right. I need help,motivation and support from everyone,and also criticism. But I would not comment on someone who is under the calorie goal if their diary is locked for me.For all I know they are starving themselves or stuffing themselves up with junk food!!:indifferent:
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    When I was trying to lose I had mine set to public. I find it makes me more accountable for others to see what I am doing. Now that I am pregnant and using MFP to control gestational diabetes, its set to private. I email it to my dietitian every week so that keeps me honest and my motivation is keeping my child healthy. Its easier to make it private than to try to explain my food choices to strangers.
  • usafbeach
    usafbeach Posts: 147 Member
    Friends only. I enjoy having friends on MPF and so it provides incentive for people to add me.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Public - I don't mind everyone seeing and even commenting. If what we are seeking is some sort of accountability then it shouldn't be private, just my thought.
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    Mine is private. Since everyone has an opinion, and most people are more than happy to share theirs, it just opens me up to entirely too much critiquing... Since I tend to lose resolve when I get negative feedback, I figure I stand a better chance of success if I keep that to myself. However, I am my worst critic. :o)
  • simplyblessed5
    simplyblessed5 Posts: 130 Member
    mine is private. I have my calorie allotment set to custom and don't wish to have opinions on what I eat or don't eat.
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    Mine is set to private. There are some crazy, obnoxious people on this site who feel it is their duty to proselytize their pet diet philosophy. I'm fairly new here, but I think if i get to the point where I need help, I'll ask some people whose opinion I trust to take a look. At that point, I'll open it up to that person.
  • MHunte
    MHunte Posts: 149
    Public - I don't mind everyone seeing and even commenting. If what we are seeking is some sort of accountability then it shouldn't be private, just my thought.

    I agree 100%!

    I don't understand why people would not have a public food log, to me thats like a little kid who worries about standing up in front of the class to read a paragraph or something, we are all adults here and by keeping your food log private, locked or friends only shows you have a weakness, you need to overcome that by going public, don't like people because they said something in your favor, like them because they also disagree with some of the things you are eating, some friends don't want to hurt your feelings so they will agree with everything you do,sometimes it takes a stranger to step in and open your eyes to some of the things you are doing wrong.....
  • GMPetti82
    GMPetti82 Posts: 43 Member
    I found that I was more inclined to track my bad days if I knew that my diary was private (or at least locked with a password.) We all have good and not so good days, but I really need to make sure that my not so good days aren't a wash, and I don't like to worry about being embarrassed about my off days.
  • GMPetti82
    GMPetti82 Posts: 43 Member
    Also, I think this is a very personal choice. The food journaling is a straety that is used so that you become aware of your own patterns and you can keep track of your calorie count, to make sure you stay within your budget, but whether you choose to share it with no one, a few people, or anyone who wants to look, you should be able to do that without being persecuted. I am still battling some emotional baggage that has been a roadblock to my weight maintenance, and I am just not always able to share my journey to this point. It's not always just food that is going into the journal, there can be a lot of feelings tied into my snacking for the day.
  • Jessie544
    Jessie544 Posts: 127 Member
    Mine is public, it helps me stay more accountable for what I'm eating to think that others are going to be looking at it when I complete my day...
  • jmehere
    jmehere Posts: 108 Member
    I used to keep mine public but found that when I started overeating; I wouldn't log it because I was ashamed. I made it private so that I could feel like I could log with out judgement. Though, I know people aren't that interested in what I eat. It's an emotional issue for me.
  • ragekage21
    ragekage21 Posts: 106 Member
    I just switched mine to MFP members only from private. I think it'll keep me honest, knowing that what I put in my body everyone will see!
  • ConfidenceNMe
    private is easier for me. If I change my mind it'll only be for friends. I'm not losing weight for others I'm doing it for me. If they want to know what I'm eating they can ask and I'll tell them. If I have problems, I can print it out to show my doctor.
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    I'm doing public, because i think it's helpful to other people. Maybe especially new people? Seems like people can run out of healthy food or burn out quickly. Think it helps to get ideas and see what others are eating. Might be something you can incorporate into your own diet! :)
  • PurplePookie
    PurplePookie Posts: 85 Member
    Mine is set to friends. Not writing it down cheats me so I write down everything and if I know others may be looking then I'm much more particular about what is going into my mouth.Trying to lose weight 'in the closet' so to speak has never worked for me - it's partly how I've got to where I am, so I'm doing it differently this time in hopes of success.
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Mine has been "friends only" for quite some time. I like being able to get ideas from my friends' diaries, so I will gladly return the favor. I did have one friend who said she was "shocked" one day after I had a very big and somewhat unhealthy diner breakfast. It bothered me for a couple days because I felt judged. Her diary was not perfect by any means, yet I always tried to remain positive or not say anything at all. After encouragement from my amazing non-judgmental friends, I left my diary open to them and deleted the jerk. I feel like it is too easy to lie if your diary is closed.
  • draayer7
    draayer7 Posts: 24 Member
    I have mine set to "friends only." I feel that it makes me think twice before eating some things. I feel more accountable for what I am eating and love to hear suggestions about my diet or advice. I make myself put everything in my diary too, so my friends see when I have had days when I have gone over. Those few days I have had, really made me rethink what I ate! So I don't have as many "over" days as I used to.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    mines public open- I like all the criticizing comments from people who log their Big Mac the day they say something for my ice cream ! It makes me laugh !