What did I do wrong?



  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    The first time I did the shred, I was in some serious pain the next day. It took a while for my body to adjust. I always get that kind of painful "cant move without crying" sore after I start a circuit training routine when I haven't worked out for a while. (I've had this experience every time I would try to start Jackie's Power Circuit training video every couple months before I became serious about exercising in Jan. and stuck with it. Before Jan. I used to "start to workout" evey every two months and the stop after a week. Ha.) It's like the workout totally shocks my system each and every time.

    If its really really bad, I would take a break for day. Or take a walk instead of doing the shred. But if you stick with the workout it will eventually get better (It just might get worse before it gets better). Good luck! Maybe take an ice bath?? lol

    Jackie is a killer! I did the 15 minute the first time thinking, I'm just starting this should be fine. OMG I hurt BAD for a week!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I find it helpful to keep moving after a workout that makes me feel very sore. Walking it off is easy to do and does the trick. You can try walking (in a mall, on a treadmill, in the neighborhood) and after 20+ minutes you may start to feel lots of relief. It works! Always lots of water too
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    sore is good. enjoy it.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    OMG! Right there with you when I did my first day of 30DS.. :) The day after is bad, 2 days after is WORSE then it starts to ease up... You'll be ok. Try to concentrate on more upper body and core if your lower body is bothering you today..
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    When I did the shred the first time, my legs were so sore the first few days I had a hard time getting up the stairs to my office. But on about day 5, it got better. Push through it. I got great results.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Do the warm up twice and the cool down twice as well. It isn't really long enough. drink lots of water and take some Advil. It will help. That kind of pain is normal for the first 3-4 days sometimes even a week. Drink a protein shake or have lots of protein after you do your workout so the protein can help your muscles repair. Protein after a new workout really helps me.
  • rileymama
    rileymama Posts: 196 Member
    Everyone else has probably said it, but it's pretty normal with 30 DS to be stiff for a couple days. I was pain the first 2 days..lol...that being said, do make sure you stretch well, and drink plenty of water...I found taking a walk with the kids actually helped the pain, maybe b/c it was gently stretching the muscles? make sure that you are doing the exercises properly though. If you do squats or lunges "wrong" it can make things worse....pay attention to how she and the girls do things. I say this, b/c when I first started P90X, I wasn't doing some of the things right, and it was very p[ainful, not just the "good kind of sore". Good luck, and keep with it!! You will love the results:)
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I'd invest in an intra workout and/or post workout drink like Scivation's XTend. It made all the difference in the world for me. Stretching is key too but I remember when I first started P90X Like Safire said I'd recommend an up in your protein intake too.
  • lorishultis
    lorishultis Posts: 95 Member
    After doing day 1 of JM's 30DS it hurt like h*** to go up and down stairs and was so difficult to even sit on the potty. My legs were super sore. I figure it's just because im not use to using those muscles.

    I know it's cliche ladies but EPSOM SALT i keep a big old Sam's club sized bag in the bathroom and it's great to soak those aches and pains! My husband even uses it because his job is very physically demanding... And when you cant imagine getting in and out of the tub you can make a hot compress in a towel with it and apply it like you would a heating pad!
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    When I did it for the first time (I am currently doing round 2) my thighs hurt so bad for the first 3 days I could hardly even sit down without being in pain. I took advil and pushed through and it went away by day 4 or so. Your muscles are not use to being worked like that. Stick with the modified moves at the beginning and ease into it! Dont try to go all superwoman like I did. I had some bad IT band pain for a week or so and had to ice and do IT stretches to help but then one day that pain went poof too! Hope you get to feeling better! I had great results when I did it. Lost 14lbs and 13 inches total!
  • bevmwa
    bevmwa Posts: 8
    A couple of summers ago I did the 30DS and worked through to day 5 and then the soreness went away. It was so bad that sitting down was painful and getting up worse. Seems easy enough when you are doing it - but really need to be careful that you are doing it properly. I found my squats and lunges were getting sloppy towards the end of the segment.
  • jmehere
    jmehere Posts: 108 Member
    Yes, lots of water and a warm bath will help. Another thing that helps me is heating pad. If you want, you could alternate between heating pad and icing for a couple of rounds. 10 minutes or so each round. That should help even faster, but usually the heating pad is enough for me (though there is still a little soreness, it helps mostly with stiffness).
    Unless you have injured yourself, working out more will help work out the soreness as long as you take it a bit easy on yourself because you might be more prone to injury with sore, stiff muscles. I'd recommend walking or maybe a lower key work out the next day.
    However, listen to your body. You know your body better than anyone else. See a doctor if you think it's more serious.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    Sounds normal to me. The first time I worked out with my trainer I couldn't sit down on the toilet either without severe pain, lol :) It will go away in about 3-4 days. But the best thing for you to do today is walk or something, it will only be more sore tomorrow if you don't use your muscles again today.
  • Rickyticka
    Sounds like you did a great workout, the soreness/pain will only be temporary. Just drink loads of water (build that into your daily routine if you're not already...LOADS!) Also eat plenty of green veg, These both help deal with the lactic acid build up. That's what causes the pain/burn.
    Eat protein within 30-60mins of your work out, preferably a good lean source (don't hit the steaks ;), perhaps tuna, chicken or soya. If you're working out alot it may even be worth investing in some protein powder to drink straight afterwards.

    Have a great day.
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    I hurt so bad during the first few days of the shred when I do it. I live on Ibuprofen that first week... seriously. And water. Lots and lots and lots of water.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    That's what happens when people jump in over their heads. This isn't The Biggest Loser. You are not going to lose 100 pounds in 13 weeks (or however long that series is). You don't have a personal trainer following you around all day. Get real. Start slow and see where you are/how you feel. Then progress at your own pace. I notice a big difference in "advice" here. The younger more active people say "heck, go for it with all ya got", while the older, more experienced people would say "take your time and go at your own pace". Sometimes I worry about the people receiving the advice and hope they don't injure themselves or give themselves a heart attack.

    Slow down. :flowerforyou:
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    delayed onset muscle soreness (doms) is normal after a new workout...you may even be more sore tomorrow (sorry!) WATER, WATER, WATER & STRETCH! its due to build up of lactic acid in your muscles...gotta pump it out! good workout today maybe just a nice walk :)
    best wishes to you on your journey!

    this but it is good to exercise the day after it does help with the soreness.
  • newfieborn
    Take a Epsom Salt Bath. This will do wonders for you. It is way better than just warm bath or taking meds. Give it a try.
  • bfitzzy
    bfitzzy Posts: 5 Member
    I would suggest drinking LOTS of WATER and soaking long in an EPSOM bath! That will help remove the soreness a lot quicker! Doing this always helps after an intense workout like that. (trainers and doctors have suggested this to me before also). And congrats on losing 12 lbs!
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    That's what happens when people jump in over their heads. This isn't The Biggest Loser. You are not going to lose 100 pounds in 13 weeks (or however long that series is). You don't have a personal trainer following you around all day. Get real. Start slow and see where you are/how you feel. Then progress at your own pace. I notice a big difference in "advice" here. The younger more active people say "heck, go for it with all ya got", while the older, more experienced people would say "take your time and go at your own pace". Sometimes I worry about the people receiving the advice and hope they don't injure themselves or give themselves a heart attack.

    Slow down. :flowerforyou:

    I've been doing Zumba and gym workouts for the past 3 weeks, so I figured trying the 30DS was okay. I plan on doing it just 3x a week.

    I am trying to listen to my body. Right now it is telling me to just take it easy, lol. So a day in the park will probably do wonders.