

  • We have a 6 year old that is the same way. She has spent a lot of time with her grandparents who let her eat anything and not be active. Since we are eating more healthy and she is moving in with us at the end of the month we're hoping to help control it with better snack/dinner choices and more outdoor activites!
  • The big thing I see is the Slim Jim! That's almost half of what you are over in sodium alone! I'm not sure that those have much nutritional value at all. I would opt for something with more fiber or protein that helps you feel fuller longer.
  • I've had to cut out a couple of our local resturants because they don't give nutrition info and I'm obsessed with logging!! You shouldn't be ashamed of telling people you are watching what you eat and suggest someplace different or make a mexican lunch at home so you can control what goes in it!
  • I didn't really pay attention to any weight gain when I started getting the shot because I was fat and just didn't care if I got any fatter at that point. I've been on it for 3 years now and the only problem I have with it is the spotting. At first, like you, it was off and on for a number of weeks. After I got my second…
  • I have the basic Weight Watchers one. Bought it at Kmart on sale for under $20. It keeps info for 4 users, tracks starting weight, goal weight, current weight, and total lost or gained. It's really easy to set up and use to!
  • We haven't cut anything out in my house but we have greatly reduced our intake of bread, biscuits and things like that and also sweets. Just not buying them and having them around has helped so much!
  • I know it sounds silly, but there is a McDonald's right down the street from my office and I would always get breakfast from there, usually a sausage biscuit and hash brown, and I ALWAYS wanted sugar in some form after I ate it. I don't know what it is or why but I just did. Now that I am eating breakfast at home or having…
  • I do it once a week, same day every week. Always do it first thing in the morning after going to the bathroom and always wear the same thing!
  • I made my boyfriend cringe today when we were at Burger King and as we were leaving I pointed out how many calories his triple whopper and large onion rings had compared to my grilled chicken sandwich, even with mayo on it. His lunch was a day and a half of my calorie allotment!! The funniest face I think I ever got, and…
  • The one true thing I've given up is Mexican food, in a mexican resturant. It's too hard to get nutrition info so we just make it at home so we can control portion and such. I have almost given up bread and potatoes. Not totally gone yet but have really cut back on them!!
  • I asked the same question and everyone pretty much told me that once a week was best. I just picked one day and weight myself first thing in the morning, after going to the bathroom, and always make sure I'm wearing the same thing!
  • I'm an emotional eater and for me, binge eating is completely easy and doable. Even though I'm full and I feel full, my emotions are telling me to keep eating because emotionally I don't feel full. Also, it's easy to eat so many calories because of the high fat and calorie content of most foods these days. I would have a…
  • I was a little disappointed that there was not more information on the this diet on it's website. I watched the videos and the little bit I saw on Dr. Phil yesterday but was still left looking for a little more information. I went ahead and bought the book and dvd anyway though.
  • Well I have avoided stepping on the scale at all since doing it on Monday and signing up so I hope that won't become an obsession for me! Thanks for all the great advice!
  • That's a great question! I always think as long as it's lean protein your eating it's ok to go over a little bit! I'm trying to pay more attention to carbs, sugar, and sodium!
  • I do the same thing! Around here it's a local pizza place with no nutrition info so I figure I'm better off not going anyway!!