The 17 Day Diet

Does anyone know much about the 17 day diet? I saw it on Dr. Phil, I normally don't watch but caught a glimpse of it yesterday but missed if they talked about specifics of the diet. Apparently it's a book you need to order. However I'd like to know more before ordering the book.


  • Molly08
    Molly08 Posts: 153 Member
    My friend picked it up and says it's really good for her. She's a bit of a sugar and carbohydrate addict. It works on 4 17 week cycles to re-train you how to eat I think. I don't know the details but I think she is doing well on it!
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    I saw this on Dr Phil also and bought the book.
    I personally am not following it since it was far too strict for me and not the type of plan I wanted to achieve. It does work on 4 cycles of 17 days. For the first, all carbs are restricted and it gradually lessens. I didn't follow it long enough to say how well it works. I would imagine it would help you lose weight fast but I was concerned about the limitation of carbs.
  • sheddingthelbs
    Pretty sure it's four 17 day cycles. I've heard of it too, a friend compared it to P90X because it's supposed to work by mixing up what you eat and that tricks your body into metabolizing more energy or something. (I'm not entirely sure if that's spot on, but it's all I can remember of our conversation.) I've heard good things and bad things about it, I suppose it depends on the person. I hope someone here has read it, I'd like to hear a review of it as well.
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    I'm on it...and going thru my second round.
    It is 4 cycles of 17 days each...the last being a "maintenance" cycle.
    If you're not at your goal weight by the end of cycle can just start all over.
    It is low carb...low fat...low start.....around 1200 calories a day. No fancy or weird food...If you don't like something (I don't do oatmeal) something else...
    It's fairly easy to follow..Dr. Mike (what a cutie-pie!) has daily menus...telling you what to eat every day, some recipes in the book...and has lots of advise. Drink lots of water...and exercise every healthy...fruits, veggies, chicken...
    I've lost 13 pounds so far...slow and steady...which is great for me. I've lost a bunch of inches too...and feel great. I walk/jog/run, do shred it with weights and Just Dance 2 on the Wii.
    I loaned my book to a friend...and she, her husband and son are following it....and losing weight too. They love it.
    Check it out at the go to The Doctors TV site...there's tons of info there too.
    Good luck!
  • hellenyork
    I was a little disappointed that there was not more information on the this diet on it's website. I watched the videos and the little bit I saw on Dr. Phil yesterday but was still left looking for a little more information. I went ahead and bought the book and dvd anyway though.