High Sodium/Caffeine etc concerns.

Hello MFP,

I'm currently following the south beach diet, while working 70+ hours a week. I just have some concerns and wanted to see how serious my concerns are and if they would have any negative impact on me gaining lean mass, while losing bad weight.

I decided I'd like to increase my cut and lose 2 lbs a week for the next 5 weeks, so I"d lose 10 lbs by May 31st. My diet is pretty high in protein without supplements (100 - 120ish grams daily) and I try to work out 30 mins every other day, either on the treadmill or with bodyweight exercises.

I've noticed my diet is high in sodium (about 50% over) and I'd like to eventually get that under control. I'm averaging about 4-6 hours of sleep a day and I have about 3 coffee/5 hour energy drinks a day.

With all these factors, I'm just wondering how bad off I am mixing all these things together: Lack of sleep, A lot of caffeine, high sodium and a 2 lbs a week hopeful loss. Me working less is not a option and I can try to get my sodium under control. I could go for less of a cut, but I can't expect more then 6 hours of sleep a day. I could increase the exercise to 30 mins a day.

Please review/critique a sample of what I plan to be eating (normally I don't plan to eat wawa bacon/eggs (make my own usually) or a slim jim, but I was desperate and hungry this particular day. Any advice to help me better my situation would be great and appreciated.




  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
  • hellenyork
    The big thing I see is the Slim Jim! That's almost half of what you are over in sodium alone! I'm not sure that those have much nutritional value at all. I would opt for something with more fiber or protein that helps you feel fuller longer.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    Hi there-

    I would suggest to really watch the processed meat/cheese products. They have a TON of sodium. Also olives have a lot as well. As far as the caffeine goes, I hear ya. I drink a decent amount as well (maybe 3 -4 cups of coffee a day). BTW, how are those 5-hr energy shots? Notice any adverse side affects? Just curious.

    Best of luck!
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    cut out the processed meats

    pick up caffeine pills and a b complex vitamin. Save tons of money as opposed to buying 5 hour energy.
  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
    @ hellen lol I rarely eat the slim jims, but they are just so good! Maybe ill eat a apple or something next time lol.

    @oscarboy giving up the cheese will be very hard for me. The rest wouldn't ne a problem . I love the energy shots tbh. After taking 1 a day for the first week, I felt my overall energy levels were boosted in general. The same would prob be true for just b vitamins though.

    @ bmont thanks for the advice. Saving money is always good!
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    Have to agree that the slim Jim is pretty much a wasteland nutritionally. Might find a better alternative. I love those 5 hour energy things when I am dragging. My wife turned me on to them and they really pick me up when I don't really want to have a cup of coffee and I like the taste. (better than a pill of caffeine and some vitamins) I can buy them pretty cheap at Costco here.
  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
    When in a pinch, would some jack links beef jerky be a better option? It's lean cuts and packed with protein. The peppered one tastes great too lol